How to Deal With Stress and Burnout

How to Deal with Stress and Burnout: Are You Mentally Exhausted?

Have you ever heard the story about how to boil a frog? (Horrible to think of, I know). If you drop a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out immediately. But if you put it in a pot and turn up the heat slowly, it will stay. It becomes accustomed to the new reality… until it’s too late. Stress and burnout is kind of like that — we often don’t even realize how bad it is until we put the pieces together.

But how do you know that you are burned out? See if any of these symptoms ring true for you: “Irritable?” Check. “Joyless and Exhausted?” Check. “Constantly On Edge?” Check. “Can’t Sleep?” Uh-huh. “Can’t remember a thing?” Yes.

Helloooo burnout.  

We toss around phrases like, “I’m totally burned out” or “I’m so stressed,” easily as if they are of small consequence. But, as you know if you’ve been coping with chronic stress and burnout, it’s kind of a big deal. As a career coach and emotional intelligence coach, I’ve often helped many of my clients identify whether or not their mental exhaustion is due to burnout at work, as well as work with strategies to fix or prevent that emotionally draining feeling.  

What are Stress and Burnout?

“Burning out” is the layperson’s term for the physical, emotional, and cognitive consequences of chronic stress. It’s more than just needing a vacation — burnout can affect everything in your life, from the way you think to the way you feel physically and emotionally, as well as how you handle your relationships. Understanding what stress really does to you and why it’s important to change can help motivate you to reclaim your life.  

If you are feeling burned out in the workplace, it’s quite possible that it’s not only affecting your satisfaction in your job, but it also can be affecting your overall happiness in life.  

How to Deal with Stress and Burnout

In this episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, I am sharing with you what chronic stress and burnout is, whether you might be suffering from it, and most importantly — what to do to help yourself recover from chronic stress and burnout.  

You’ll learn not only stress management techniques, but also a new way of thinking and taking care of yourself that will help you become more resilient, more peaceful, and ultimately more effective, both in your workplace as well as in your personal life.

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How to Deal With Stress and Burnout

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