What Our Clients Say
This Is How We Grow
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby is the founder of Growing Self Counseling and Coaching. She’s the author of “Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to Your Ex Love,” and the host of The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast.
Before you read therapist reviews you should know something: An ethical therapist would never ask you to write a review for them on Google, social media, or any other public platform.
Why not? Because everything that happens in marriage counseling, therapy, and life coaching is confidential and extremely personal, and therapists are bound to protect the confidentiality of their clients at all costs. Asking you to post about your experience with them online, from an account your identity is attached to is… dubious, at best.
At the same time, it’s also important to know what other people think of the services and experiences they’ve had with a professional, or an organization. It helps us all know what we’re getting into — that’s valid, and valuable.
Here at Growing Self, we have clients reach out all the time to talk about how much their work with us meant to them and they want you to know that their work with us has been really helpful for them.
You won’t find Growing Self reviews online because we don’t ask for them, but I’m pleased to share the feedback we’ve gotten from our clients with you here on this page, in a respectful format that protects both their confidentiality and right to anonymity. — LMB
What Growing Self Clients Have to Say
Growing Self Therapist Reviews, Life Coach Reviews & Marriage Counselor Reviews:
Therapy Reviews
Coaching Reviews
Couples Counseling Reviews
Family Therapy Reviews
We have had two experiences with counselors to date, the first as a couple, the second a 1:1 for me. Both experiences were terrible, the first comically so. Conversely, Dr. Brock listened, communicated clearly, was able to take what we had shared and use it as the basis to suggest an approach that seemed based on our situation rather than pre-determined, and demonstrated sensitivity and emotional intelligence.
— Relationship Coaching Client
Before we sought help from you, I was at a point in my relationship that I had really given up on hope that things could be different. I was so emotionally disconnected from my husband that I didn’t find him attractive, didn’t laugh at his jokes anymore, and really didn’t even want to be around him. I had told myself a few different times that I was going to break up with him and that it wasn’t ever going to change. I was seeking answers online… but they weren’t personalized enough for our issue. Coming to you was a last ditch effort. It was the final item on the list I could cross off before I walked away without feeling like I didn’t do everything possible to help our marriage. The first time we worked together you immediately provided answers to the questions I was seeking online (to no avail). I remember feeling a sigh of relief when you gave us insight into what was happening, without even knowing us. As the weeks progressed you got to know us little by little. You are so observant, picking up on really small things (body language) that we weren’t even aware of. We couldn’t hide our feelings from you. You took us gently out of our comfort zones, challenged us to look inside, and provided the tools we needed to make a lasting difference.Coming into this I wasn’t convinced it would work. I didn’t think my husband would embrace it the way he did, thanks to you giving him the courage and understanding he needed to realize what was going on with him. I doubted the progress we were seeing was going to be sustainable. I thought things would go back to the way they were before after a few weeks. I’m happy to say that I was wrong. About everything. Amanda, you have changed our lives. You have a gift that allows people to feel relaxed, cared for, and really open themselves up to having those deeper conversations that make such a difference. From the bottom of my heart, one woman to another, I want to thank you for believing in us and helping us work past our cycles. With heartfelt thanks…
– Former Relationship Coaching Client
My career coach was so very warm and kind. She is also very insightful and helpful. I feel safe and I can be completely open to her. I came to her for help with my career and a fresh, professional, and third-person obejective perspective. Our work has given me new perspective, and the courage to move forward.
– Former Client
“It has been really helpful to have someone else’s perspectives and guidance on our conversations, and Kathleen has been incredibly easy to talk with. I’m surprised at how comfortable this experience has been for both of us so far.”
– Couples Counseling Client
“I feel safe to open up my issues to my coach, and she has assisted me to move forward. I managed to break the fence by thinking that this is investment for myself to make real change.”
– Former Client
“Dori is a good listener and help us hear and understand each other.“
– Couples Counseling Client
“I like the scientific aspects that our relationship coach brings in – like studies that support certain conclusions and her ability to create openness about our pasts and getting us to think of who we are individually and together. “
– Former Client
“When we decided to seek counseling to help our relationship, we researched several counselors–both in person and online based. We are SO grateful we found and chose Teresa!”
– Couples Counseling Client
“Our marriage counselor was able to immediately capture us as individuals and as a couple. After our first consultation, I felt like she really understood our background and challenges. It made us feel hopeful that we could and would work through this challenging chapter in our lives.”
– Couples Counseling Client
“We started with a 30 min free of charge phone consult to talk through my reasons for seeking coaching and what I hope to accomplish. I appreciate that Kathleen took time to make sure her background and experience was well suited to begin a coaching engagement. We then met weekly for 45 minutes, which moved to bi-weekly as I began to make progress. I sought her help in uncovering the reasons my dating life was not successful; everything fizzled after a few months and I found myself continuously attracting the same person: unable to commit, narcissistic to some degree, and generally unable to show up with the same sense of moral principles I had.
What we uncovered through our work was how the bonds we build with our parents impact how we attach to our romantic partners. At first, I didn’t want to own that my dad’s abandonment of me was definitely playing out in my love life. Once we addressed the patterns and negative thinking that resulted from this – I finally understood that when I felt like I was getting to be “too much” or requiring things from my partner, I feared being abandoned and therefore moved my boundaries too far. This left me unfulfilled and lonely, and I ultimately ended most of the relationships.
As I made progress and began to change my thinking patterns using what we practiced – POOF! In comes ___, my now fiance 🙂 I am incredibly grateful I sought her help and the “coaching” style, as opposed to traditional talk therapy, helped me immensely. It made me feel normal, relatable, and like I had control again and made better choices.
After years of never thinking I would “get it right”, I finally did by getting right with myself first. I speak up, I hold my partner accountable, and I truly believe I am worthy.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your skills and sharing them with me – our work together truly transformed my life.“
— Former client
I truly can’t say enough amazing things about Growing Self. My therapist is an awesome therapist/life coach who has helped me change my entire life. Nearly two years ago, I felt like I had hit the proverbial rock bottom. My career was burning me out, I suffered from major perfectionistic tendencies, and I was very depressed–to mention just a few of my issues. Basically, I had no idea how to go about fixing things, but I knew I needed to do something–and fast.
Luckily, I met my therapist who has been such a guiding light with her wonderful wisdom and great sense of humor. The rapport we’ve created has given me the courage to step outside of my comfort zone and follow exciting new paths. I’m not quite sure where I would be if I hadn’t decided to reach out and ask for the help I so badly needed. I can only say thank you to Growing Self and my therapist.
– Former Client
Rachel does an amazing job facilitating constructive conversations, identifying roote causes, and formulating a plan for tackling issues. My wife and I have tremendously benefited from our sessions with Rachel. Our relationship is stronger and there is more understanding between us.
– Former Client
I have been seeing my coach for a few months now and I love her! She has already helped me with so much. I will be going to her for a very long time!
– Former Client
Linda has been amazing all around. I really appreciate the way she really listens and always remembers what we discuss.
– Former Client
Since we started working with our marriage counselor we have seen marked improvement, especially around our communication. She has really helped us gain insight into each other’s needs and values.
– Couples Counseling Client
“Thank you so much for your great listening skills, your fearless empathy, and the gift of your time.”
– Former Client
“I’ve sought professional support twice in my life. The first time completely changed my life in a positive, productive way. I believe this second time is setting the path to do the same. It’s hard. It’s uncomfortable. It’s not always something I enjoy doing, but receiving support that is from a non-biased individual is oftentimes the perspective that I’m missing. I value the way I’m encouraged to view aspects of my thought processes in different lights. It’s an objective opinion that, I believe, can really be life altering. “
– Former Client
“I love it and think it’s wonderful. I’ve referred friends who are in similar financial and difficult scheduling circumstances because of how easy and affordable this has been for us.”
– Former Client
“Online sessions are awesome if you are nervous about going to a physical space, or that physical resource is not available to you. I was worried online sessions wouldn’t be effective, but I actually like them. They are a great alternative!”
– Former Client
“This has been one of the best decisions of my life. I love that my therapist has a flexible schedule and offers weekend sessions. And I absolutely love that I can speak with her in the comfort of my home. It is so much easier to be vulnerable when you feel safe. I love sharing my experience with my friends and family. “
– Former Client
“It’s actually very painless to talk to someone whose job it is to help you muddle through your own head. I would definitely recommend it if you’re having a hard time getting out of your own rut, or figuring out how to better motivate yourself.”
– Former Client
“It has been life changing already. I was on the fence for a long time and let myself get too far past where I should have originally seen someone. I wish I had done this sooner.”
– Former Client
“This has been the first domino in the changes I needed to make. I couldn’t have seen some of the aspects I needed to see without my counselor’s expertise. “
– Former Client
“Kathleen has exceeded my expectation. I appreciate the judgement-free space she creates. She gave me perspective on issues I described. I love the way her brain makes connections. Also helpful: “homework”
– Former Client
“It has been really helpful to have someone else’s perspectives and guidance on our conversations, and Kathleen has been incredibly easy to talk with. I’m surprised at how comfortable this experience has been for both of us so far.”
– Couples Counseling Client
“I feel safe to open up my issues to my coach, and she has assisted me to move forward. I managed to break the fence by thinking that this is investment for myself to make real change.”
– Former Client
” Even just Kristy’s ability to listen compassionately has made all the difference for us. My husband feels very comfortable with her, and not judged, so he has been taking her advice. I see that is very positive. “
– Couples Counseling Client
“We both really like our counselor’s style. She makes us feel comfortable. We have been able to share things frankly with each other through her prompts and understanding way.”
– Couples Counseling Client
“My therapist has helped find words, concepts, or phrases that I did not know of; when I did not know, it often made me feel alone and invalidated in my journey. I enjoy having the opportunity to label my feelings or emotions…. it creates validation, intervention, and progress. “
– Former Client
“My therapist is awesome! She’s very patient with me and gives me time to process my emotions. She’s compassionate, which makes me feel comfortable opening up. I can be vulnerable with her because I know she cares and has my best interests in mind. “
– Former Client
“I love the homework exercises I get from my therapist! “
– Former Client
“I have gotten so much out of my life coaching. The most helpful things for me were the various small “homework” assignments. I need someone to keep me accountable for a while, and having to explicitly write something down has been useful for solidifying my thoughts.”
– Former Client
“We have tried working with other marriage counselors before but this feels way more productive. I love it that our marriage counselor gives us worksheets and homework assignments to do between our sessions.”
– Couples Counseling Client
“My coach was so helpful and knowledgeable, I looked forward to my time each week. She gave me info to work on before the next meeting and I felt it was really giving me a better outlook. I really liked being able to do it from home on video calls, that helped me a lot.”
– Former Client
I have loved that I get to meet with my therapist via Skype. With her help I have learned so much about myself. I feel like I’ve had the opportunities to see my issues in a different light, which has allowed me to move from my place of feeling “stuck” into a place of action. There is still work to be done. Success is a moving target, but instead of feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, I feel confident that I will ultimately get to where I want to be.
-Former Client
“My therapist has always made me feel better after speaking with her. She knows my limits and when to push them. I can not thank her enough for what she has done for me.”
– Former Client
“[My coach] was a guide to help me see the patterns that had led me to a very unhappy place. I’m glad she didn’t tell me what to do, but to see what I’ve wanted deep down. I’ve altered career paths, and I’m much happier now.”
– Former Client
“My therapist has truly been a joy to work with. I can’t thank her enough for all of the ways she’s helped me change my life.”
– Former Client
“I’m so happy to work with my career coach Linda. She has helped me think more clearly about my current work situation and has opened my eyes to other work possibilities. She is a great listener (of course!) and has asked questions that have helped me to redirect my thinking about where I go from here. I am very appreciative of the time and encouragement she has given me. Our work has made a huge difference in my future plans.”
– Former Client
“I am so thankful for Dr. Lisa Bobby and her blog and podcast. My husband and I have been married for 27 years, but we were having major issues. I was browsing the internet looking for something that would help, and came across Dr. Lisa’s blog. I shared a couple of the articles with my husband, and we wound up having a really good conversation about what she was saying. Since then, my husband and I have been doing great. I just wanted to get in touch to say thank you for everything you do – you’re helping more people than you even know. God bless you.”
– Former Client
“Kathleen was a joy to work with. I really enjoy her willingness to explain things and help me think of things in another way.”
– Former Client
“I have recommended several friends to my coach, as it’s really very affordable with Growing Self, and really helps shape your goals in life.
– Former Client
I so appreciate Dr. Bobby’s podcasts. I am going through a heart-wrenching breakup and learning so much about myself thanks to their guidance and support. I listen to your advice on my commute to work and find myself looking forward to the drive, as I know I will uncover a piece of knowledge each time I tune in to your conversations. I hope you continue to push these pearls of wisdom out into the world and I am so grateful I stumbled upon them. Thank you for all of your work!
– Former Client
“My therapist is excellent. She saved my marriage, helped us with coping skills/conflict resolution, made wonderful recommendations to “homework” and really understood us. She is intuitive, smart, reads us very well, and pushed us just far enough without causing meltdowns or shutdowns. I can’t say enough good about her. I trust her professional judgments and methods completely.”
– Former Client
“From the moment I met my therapist I knew I was in good hands and we would be able to work together. She is down to earth, easy to talk to, honest, and extremely knowledgeable. She has been one of the biggest blessings in my life in terms of helping me find peace during a tough personal year for me. I have progressed so much…”
– Former Client
“I loved and appreciated the fact that you offer help via video chat, it was exactly what I was looking for and needed.”
– Former Client
“A very positive experience of growth, in a totally non judgmental environment.”
– Former Client
“Our couples counselor has been a great asset to our marriage. In the few short months that my husband and I have been seeing her we have grown so much in our marriage. We feel so connected to each other and have the tools to get through conflict. We continue to meet with Stephanie because we are exploring deeper issues and she brings such warm perspective to our relationship.”
– Happy Couple
“Sorting out heavy feelings and emotions is hard work. My therapist helped me to sort out how I was feeling and provided encouragement that I did not have to work through all of the “piles” at the same time or in a hurry. I also appreciated that she provided a safe and calm space to do my emotional work without feeling judged. Dr. Bobby led the session so that there was time to talk about the thoughts and feelings, work through them with an exercise and wrap all of the “piles” back up in a neat little package so that I could continue to function in my everyday life. It was encouraging to feel the progression of disfunction to function to happiness to thriving!”
– Former Client
“I love referring clients to Growing Self. I tell others that Growing Self is an experienced and knowledgable team of therapists with a philosophy of meeting people where they are in their journey, helping them to determine where they want to go and addressing the challenges that are holding them back. I tell people that you will feel clarity in the first session and you will have a plan to work on getting what you want/need for yourself.”
– Former Client
“I have loved that I get to work with a really good therapist online. With her help I have learned so much about myself. I feel like I’ve had the opportunities to see my issues in a different light, which has allowed me to move from my place of feeling “stuck” into a place of action. There is still work to be done. Success is a moving target, but instead of feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, I feel confident that I will ultimately get to where I want to be.”
-Former Client
“We tell all of our friends and family about our experience with Growing Self and how much we recommend it. It really exceeded our expectations and has been a crucial part in our life.”
– Former Client
“My coach was amazing, excellent ability to be both compassionate for the experiences that one has gone through, but be firm in moving forward toward healing. Great experience.”
– Former Client
“My therapist was a guide to help me see the patterns that had led me to a very unhappy place. I’m glad she didn’t tell me what to do, but to see what I’ve wanted deep down. I’ve altered career paths, and I’m much happier now.”
– Former Client
“I tell others all the time how much Growing Self helped me to work through a divorce and move on with my life. I feel that I couldn’t have done it without you guys!”
– Former Client