We’re Here
To Help You Grow.

Very Well Mind Online Therapy + Wellness Awards 2023 Winner

Trusted By:

Empowering Therapy & Coaching for Personal Growth

Whatever we become here in mortality is meaningless unless it is done for the benefit of others. Our gifts and talents are given to us to help us serve. And in serving others we grow.

Betty Eadie

Love, Happiness & Success Specialists

We help you create your ideal life through positive, productive relationship counseling and coaching, growth-oriented therapy and life coaching, and values-based career coaching services.

Grow Into Your Best Self

When you have the motivation to grow and evolve, we have the expertise to guide you on your journey towards real and lasting change. Our approach is positive, empowering, and effective.

You Deserve The Best

Working with us moves you forward. Our carefully vetted, highly qualified experts use only evidence-based approaches — the gold standard in personal growth, professional development, and relationship repair.

Welcome To Growing Self Counseling & Coaching

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, Founder of Growing Self Counseling & Coaching

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Founder of
Growing Self Counseling & Coaching

AAMFT Clinical Fellow

About Me, and My Journey

I’m a fellow traveler on a journey of growth. Just like you, I’ve had to grow and evolve throughout my life. Through my own life experiences, including ones that didn’t feel like “growth” at the time (they just felt awful), and with support, I eventually got clarity about who I am, the lessons I’ve learned, what I have to offer, and what was meaningful to me.

I realized that I am a lifelong learner. I love growth, in all its mysterious forms, and I love creativity. I love to write and make things. I love being a wife and a mom, a sister, an “auntie” and a friend. But the biggest breakthrough came when I realized I am a helper.

Personally, I love nothing more than showing up with a pot of soup, sending surprise gifts just because, or helping others with whatever they need. (Even as I write these words, I’m slightly sleep deprived because I worked with my teenage son late into the night making sushi rolls for his school’s bake sale — long story.) These are the things that bring me joy.

I did not know how to translate these things into a career though. When I was younger, I floated around for a while trying to figure out what I was meant to do. After getting a few not-so-subtle nudges from the universe, I realized the thing that felt most meaningful to me was to be of service to others — and that the convergence of my interests, personality, and abilities might make me useful as a counselor.

So, off I went to counseling school, eventually becoming a marriage and family therapist, a licensed psychologist, a board-certified coach, and the founder of Growing Self.

In doing so, I found my purpose and my place — and it is to be of service to you.

I am happy to share more about myself, the evolution of Growing Self, and what we’re all about if you’re interested in learning more about us. (Tap the accordion for the whole story).

When I first went back to school, I was a little nervous. My undergraduate degree was in biology, and while I hoped I’d enjoy being a counselor, you never know. I entered a Master’s program for counseling psychology and counselor education through the University of Colorado (Denver) and was thrilled to find out that I loved literally everything about it. I loved the people. Every class made me feel like a plant being watered. I wanted to learn everything about everything, but marriage and family therapy fascinated me the most.


Why marriage and family therapy? Well, I’d done a little therapy previously (some helpful, some not), but it was the marriage counseling that my husband and I did together that really changed my/our life for the better.

But also, truthfully, as I began learning more about human psychology — what harms us and what heals us — what quickly emerged is that having healthy relationships and giving children the opportunity to grow up in emotionally healthy families has the biggest impact on our mental and emotional wellness. 

Much of the trauma that people endure comes from damaging experiences in relationships. People are also shielded and protected from trauma, even if they live through terrible things, when they are connected to people who love them. We need to invest in personal growth in order to have healthy relationships, but healthy relationships are, in themselves, also healing.

Helping people achieve growth and healthy relationships felt like my life’s work. I wound up pursuing the marriage and family therapy track of my Master’s program at UCD (CACREP and COAMFTE accredited). After thousands of experience hours and excellent clinical supervision by a truly inspiring marriage and family therapist (and author, educator, and social justice warrior) who is still my professional mentor, I became licensed as a marriage and family therapist in Colorado. 


But I didn’t feel “done.” I was still so excited about being a therapist and still eager to learn more, so… I decided to pursue a Ph.D. in counseling psychology, too. I enrolled in the APA accredited Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Northern Colorado and had a wonderful time. I learned a lot there, including psychological assessment, supervision of therapists, and clinical mental health. I learned a lot about myself, made lifelong friends in the process, and became licensed as a psychologist in Colorado, too.

Even after all that… I still felt there was more to learn. (Are you noticing a pattern here?) I went back into yet another training program, this time to become a Board-Certified Coach. 

Why coaching? Especially after all the therapist-school? It was because I realized the limitations of traditional talk therapy and psychotherapy for mental health. I found that positive coaching strategies were more helpful and productive than therapy for many of my clients, especially those who wanted to learn and grow and make real changes in their lives and relationships. In order to do that well and ethically, I felt that I needed to get a formal education in it. So I did.


I love learning, I love growing, and I love helping other people grow. I opened my private practice, Growing Self Counseling and Coaching, in 2005, in Denver, Colorado. Since then I’ve had the great privilege of being a “growth partner” for countless individuals and couples over the years I’ve been in practice. 

In addition to working with clients in person in Denver, I began providing coaching and counseling services online in 2012 when that was still a weird thing to do. My psychologist friends were skeptical, but I am pleased to report they have come around. (Possibly the one positive outcome of the pandemic years.)

I originally moved into online couples therapy and coaching in order to make things easier for my clients, and also to travel. In 2013 my husband, son and I lived in a 1986 Airstream Sovereign for a year. (Also a weird thing to do, at that time). I was surprised and pleased to learn how online therapy and coaching could be even more emotionally intimate and productive than therapy in Denver, and I’ve been doing both ever since. Also happy to see so many people finding their freedom in recent years. #vanlife

But being a solo practitioner in private practice can be isolating — and healthy therapists need to keep growing too. I realized that it was impossible for me to work one-on-one with everybody. Furthermore, I strongly believe that life-changing personal growth work shouldn’t be a luxury only available for a privileged few. 

I decided that — in addition to working with clients personally — I could be of more service to the world by finding ways to help more people than the handful I could work with one-on-one.

I began spending more time educating others, which led to me becoming a trainer, educator, and clinical supervisor for other marriage and family therapists and pursuing credentialing as an AAMFT clinical supervisor. am now a clinical supervisor supporting the development of earlier career marriage and family therapists, and it is a privilege to be part of their professional growth.

It has also extended to writing and speaking, for your benefit. I am the host of The Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, the author of “Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to An Ex Love,” and I love contributing to the educational articles you’ll find here at GrowingSelf.com.

Over time, my quest to be as helpful to as many people as possible eventually led to creating a network of great counselors and finding ways to support them — and their wonderful work. That’s how Growing Self grew. As the years passed, we had opportunities to invite other therapists that we admired and respected to join us. Growing Self is no longer “my” practice. It is a collective.

Because our practice is a positive place that is truly helpful for people, it has organically grown to include very special therapists and coaches from across the US and the world. Some work with us here in Denver — we now have multiple office locations around Denver, including Broomfield and DTC. Some of our experts just see clients online, but they are all fantastic.

I can honestly say that every expert with me here at Growing Self is a dazzlingly talented, extremely competent, and good therapist, and also a genuinely lovely person who is just as devoted to helping you as I am. They are smart and funny, and I learn new things from my colleagues every day. I know and work with everyone on our team, so even if you work with one of them, I’ll still be involved in your case behind the scenes.

Our services have similarly expanded over the years to meet the needs of our clients in every stage of life.

We specialize in Love: marriage counseling, couples therapy, premarital counseling, sex therapy, parent coaching, and dating coaching to help our clients build healthy relationships and happy families.

We specialize in Happiness: evidence-based therapy, emotional intelligence coaching, life coaching, and divorce/breakup recovery services to support personal growth, healing, and authentic happiness.

And yet, there’s more… 


As things naturally evolved, our group came to specialize in Love, Happiness… and Success too. Why success? Isn’t love and happiness enough?? Actually, no. 

Figuring out your life’s purpose and feeling truly fulfilled is really important. True success has little to do with money, for most people. I love what I do. If I won the lottery, I’d still be here tomorrow, learning and growing and working to be of service to you.

I did not know from the moment I was born that I was meant to be a counselor with lots of opportunities to write and teach. I wanted to be a marine biologist. (Until I saw Jaws). I briefly wanted to be a medical doctor. (Until organic chemistry). Then I wanted to be a fashion designer. (I don’t even remember why). I wanted to be a writer. (I didn’t know what to write about). And for a while there in my twenties I didn’t know what I wanted — except to not be a waitress anymore because I wasn’t very good at it. Then, the world exploded, and I found my way.

I can’t even tell you what a genuine pleasure it has been for me to find a meaningful career doing “work” that feels like fun and that allows me to do what I am good at and express my most important personal values of being of service to others at the same time.

I firmly believe that you deserve the same, and it will enrich your life enormously to have that. Hence: Success, and the expansion of our services to include whole-life, values-based career coaching services

But success has a way of continuing to grow and carry you into new places, doesn’t it? Over the years I’ve learned a lot about growing a business, and the impact of having supportive leadership and a positive, growth-oriented, person-centered organizational culture like the one we strive for here.

Having a healthy working environment is the occupational equivalent of having a healthy family. I believe that leaders and business owners have an enormous responsibility to create a positive and supportive environment for everyone depending on them. That is why we offer leadership coaching and emotional intelligence coaching in the workplace too.

About Growing Self

Growing Self is a positive private practice that is focused on the growth, emotional health, continuing education, professional development, healthy boundaries, and personal wellbeing of our therapists and our employees as much as it is about helping our clients achieve the same. You can’t have one without the other. I have met bitter, burned-out therapists. They’re not helping anyone. Healthy, happy helpers who are passionate and who bring authentic joy to the growth process are the key. 

Everyone on our team here at Growing Self prioritizes and practices these values, and our clients feel it too. I have actually been asked by a therapist joining our practice, “Why is everyone so happy around here? And why are they so nice!? Wait… Is this a cult?”

I laughed out loud! But as a founder and support-focused leader, it made me so happy to hear. Seeing the impact that Growing Self has on people, including our clinicians, feels like watching your baby love-child grow up into an extremely cool person who surprises you (in the best way) with how kind, interesting, funny, and competent they are. And the fact that they can operate an Instantpot and make sushi with minimal supervision.

I can assure you, this is not a cult. We are just a collective of people who like each other, and like what we do — and the fact that we get to do it for you.

I believe that our community has a lot to offer you, and I am so glad that you are here with us today.

That is entirely enough about me, and about Growing Self. Let’s talk about you…

But otherwise, I think we should talk about what we can do for you

We Are All Here For You

If you’re ready to grow and make positive changes in yourself, your life, your career, or your relationships… you’re in the right place. Growing Self is a collective of talented, highly educated, and genuinely effective therapists who specialize in either couples counseling or career coaching, and who offer coaching services in addition to therapy. Our approach is positive and productive.

We specialize in “love, happiness, and success” and are here to help you build healthy relationships through every stage of life, achieve personal growth that leads to authentic happiness, and find success in a career that feels positive and fulfilling — and that allows you to share your gifts with the world.

We offer a variety of services designed to help you achieve personal growth, healthy relationships, and professional growth.

Love: Our services include marriage counseling, couples therapy, relationship coaching, premarital counseling, dating coaching, and more.

Happiness: We provide growth-oriented therapy and life coaching, divorce counseling and breakup recovery coaching, and emotional intelligence coaching.

Success: We specialize in growth oriented, values based career coaching and counseling, leadership coaching, and emotional intelligence in the workplace.

We use evidence-based practices that are shown by research to be the most effective ways of helping you make real and lasting positive change in yourself, your relationships, and your career.

We Bring You The Best

We bring you the best because you deserve the best.

It is a core value of this practice to be a trustworthy and genuinely effective partner in your growth. We understand that reaching out for help is a big deal. Sometimes you only get one chance, especially if you’re at a major crossroads. (Common with couples on the brink of divorce or for people evaluating a major career change).

Connecting with the right therapist or coach — one truly competent to help you — makes all the difference. It’s priceless. It can change the trajectory of your life.

Growing Self is an ethical, values-based organization that prioritizes well-being above all else. Especially in this age of for-profit, non-accredited online counseling schools, we carefully vet prospective therapists interested in joining our group practice to ensure that they have the talent, education, skill-set, and compassionate personality necessary to be truly helpful to you.

Support For Your Growth

We are here to support your growth in every way — whether or not you become our client.

The clinicians on our team are not just smart and competent, they are incredibly generous. They have written tons of articles with their expert advice for our blog, and many of them have participated on the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, providing truly helpful information to our listeners. Please visit our blog + podcast page to explore the advice collections most relevant to you.

In addition to our private counseling and coaching services, we have free learning activities, like our “how healthy is your relationship quiz,” online courses, groups, and even a live premarital course. Additionally, we have a whole library of articles and resources devoted to your education around therapy and coaching services to help you become informed and make empowered decisions about the right path for you.

I’m so glad you’ve found us and have given us the opportunity to support you on your journey of growth and change – either through this website or through a personal relationship with a coach or counselor. You deserve all the love, happiness and success in the world. We are honored to help you create it.

With love and respect,

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Growing Self: Exactly What You Need

We’re Affordable

  • Learn about our rates
  • We offer affordable classes, in addition to private counseling and coaching.
  • In certain circumstances, we can provide super bills for you to submit to your insurance.

We’re Easy

  • We have convenient office locations across the Denver Metro area.
  • We’re available by online video across the US & internationally.
  • We offer early morning, evening, and weekend appointment options.

We’re Effective

  • Our experts have Master’s Degrees and/or Doctorates, and years of experience.
  • We utilize only evidence-based strategies.
  • We specialize in strategic, productive counseling and coaching.

When You’re Ready, We’re Here.

Meet Our Team of Experts • Choose The One That’s Right For You

Below, you’ll find information about everyone on our team.

If you’d like to meet with one of them for a first, free consultation session or get recommendations about which expert would be a good fit for you, start here.

Questions? Start a chat or call us anytime. We are happy to talk with you, and we always answer.

Meet Our Team


Linda P.


Thriving Personal & Professional Relationships

Meet Linda: a relationship expert and certified emotional intelligence coach with a unique blend of professional experience as a marriage counselor, executive coach, leadership coach, life coach, and therapist. She's here to help you understand yourself and others, improve your communication, increase your emotional intelligence, and cultivate positive relationships — both personally, and professionally.

Couples counselor, life coach, and individual therapist

Margot A.


Helping You Heal, Learn & Grow

Margot is a couples counselor, life coach, and individual therapist who helps you strengthen your relationships, discover your strengths, and build a fulfilling life based on your true values.

Couples Counselor • Relationship Coach • Individual Therapist • Life Coach

Talia R.


Straightforward, Open-minded & Action-Oriented

Meet Talia: a relationship specialist whose warm, collaborative approach guides you toward deeper exploration, connection, and understanding. With her authentic and straightforward style, she can help you gain the clarity and skills to cultivate the life and relationships you desire.

Image of Washington marriage counselor

Emily B.


Dedicated to Your Empowerment

Meet Emily, a couples counselor, relationship coach, individual therapist and life coach with a positive, empowering approach to helping you create the change you desire. Emily believes that we each have the seeds of wisdom inside of us — and that with the right support, you can cultivate greater well-being, love, and success.

Kanya D.

Kanya D.


Inspired Life, Inspired Love

Kanya is a licensed marriage and family therapist, individual therapist, life coach, and parenting coach with more than 20 years of experience helping couples develop deeply loving and satisfying relationships, helping parents and families thrive, and helping individuals reclaim their happiness.

Josephine B.

Josephine B.


Supportive Growth for Individuals and Couples

Meet Josephine: a warm, kind, and affirming therapist and couples counselor who specializes in communication, compassion, and connection. Her effective blend of emotionally focused therapy and positive coaching techniques help you break through barriers and find greater happiness in your life and relationships.

Brandy B.

Brandy B.


Kind, Insightful, Inviting
Meet Brandy, a couples counselor, life coach, and therapist who helps you find more happiness in your life by building relationships that are fulfilling and secure.

Matthew C., M.S.Ed., LMFT

Matthew C.


Create Fulfilling Connections

Meet Matthew a couples counselor, coach, and therapist who helps you understand yourself and others, shift your patterns, and create positive change in your life and relationships.  

Silas H., M.S., MFTC Broomfield Marriage Counseling Denver Gottman Certified Couples Therapist in Denver Online Marriage Counseling Relationship Coach Male Denver Therapist

Silas H.


A Partner in Growth for Individuals & Couples

Meet Silas: a couples counselor, therapist, and life coach with an easy-going, humorous, and down-to-earth style that makes personal growth work both enjoyable and effective. His tireless support, encouragement, and expertise help you stay motivated to make real and lasting change in yourself and your relationships.

Elizabeth C. M.A., MFTC

Elizabeth B.


Emotionally-Focused, Authentic & Understanding

Meet Elizabeth, a couples counselor and individual therapist who uses evidence-based approaches in her emotionally-focused work with clients. She believes in your potential for profound healing and growth. She will help you cultivate self-compassion and emotional wellness, so you can build the life and relationships you deserve.

Brittany S.

Brittany S.


Compassionate Care For You & Your Relationships

Meet Brittany: a couples counselor, individual therapist, premarital counselor, and a life and relationship coach with a warm, authentic, emotionally-focused approach. She works with you to build deeper connections, restore emotional bonds, and grow in your capacity to love and be loved.

Alejandra P.

Alejandra P.


Dynamic, Transformative & Compassionate

Alejandra is a true expert at nurturing your positive transformation — helping you to find happiness in your life and fulfillment within your relationships. She will help you break free from old patterns that are getting in the way of the life you want, and then chart your pathway to achieving your most important goals.

Lauren C.

Lauren C.


Warm, Affirming, and Positive Growth Work

Meet Lauren: a couples counselor, life coach, and therapist who uses a collaborative approach to help you connect with your strengths, enhance your emotional well-being, and develop healthy, enriching connections with the most important people in your life.

Jennifer C.

Jennifer C.


Embrace the Fullness of Life and Love

Jennifer is a down-to-earth therapist and life coach, who uses her 20+ years of expertise as a marriage and family therapist to help you heal your heart and your relationship. She knows we're all complex, and that building compassion for yourselves and each other is the route to true happiness.

Jesse S., M.S., LMFT, couples counseling, premarital counseling, individual therapy, life or dating coaching.

Jesse S.


Approachable, Direct & Warm

Jesse is a licensed marriage and family therapist who excels at creating a judgment-free environment where growth and healing flourish. He can help individuals and couples create deeper, more satisfying relationships, navigate major life transitions, manage stress, and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Tania C.

Tania C.

M.B.A., M.A., LMFT (she/her/hers)

International Love, Life, & Career Coach

Meet Tania: a relationship coach, career coach, dating coach, and executive coach with a unique blend of experience, education, and training, and a nuanced cross-cultural perspective. As a relationship expert and a career expert, Tania can help you build passionate and fulfilling relationships while thriving in your professional life.

Dr. Ben J.

Dr. Ben J.


Healthy Relationships, Happy Life

Meet Dr. Ben: a couples counselor, premarital counselor, individual therapist, and life coach who helps you activate your inner strengths to create better relationships and a fuller life. His collaborative, friendly style makes him easy to talk to, and his action-oriented mindset helps you get results.

Meagan Terry

Meagan Terry


The Relationship Specialist

Meet Meagan: an experienced Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in helping you create happy, healthy, joyful relationships. She's an expert marriage counselor, emotional intelligence coach, premarital counselor, and dating coach who uses effective therapeutic approaches to help you create a lifetime of love.

Susan H. M.A., LPCC

Susan H.


Empathetic, Insightful & Growth-Oriented

Susan specializes in helping clients reach their goals and achieve a sense of purpose and fulfillment. She has a warm, honest, and collaborative style. Whether you’re seeking support in your career, or want to be a better version of yourself, Susan will walk alongside you and support you as you create positive change.

Colorado Coach and Counselor

Ronni M.


Illuminate Your Possibilities

Meet Ronni: a career counselor, life coach, and individual counselor with a caring personality and a flare for adventure. Whether you want to embark on a new career path, work on personal growth goals, or pursue greater life satisfaction, she’s here to support and motivate you to create positive change.

Harold P., D.Min., M.A., CCC, CPC

Dr. Harold P.

D.Min., M.A., CCC, CPC

Experienced, Caring & Growth-Focused

Meet Dr. Harold: an experienced couples counselor, therapist and coach, whose gentle, caring presence creates self-awareness, clarity, and confidence. Whether you are looking for life direction, personal well-being, or better relationships, Dr. Harold has the expertise to help you get results.

Tuyet N., PhD., LMFT

Dr. Tuyet


Committed to your Happiness and Success

Meet Dr. Tuyet: a highly compassionate and experienced licensed marriage and family therapist. Dr. Tuyet uses an evidence-based approach to equip you with the tools you need to build the life and relationship you really want. She will empower you to dig deep, take risks, and weather life's transitions with ease and grace.

DB: Online Marriage Counselor • Online Couples Counselor • Online Sex Therapist • Breakup Coach • Online Therapist • Online Life Coach • Sydney, AUS Counsellor • Sydney, AUS Marriage Counsellor • Sydney, AUS Sex Therapist

Dori B.

M.S., S.A.S., M.A.C.A.

Nurturing Emotional & Sexual Intimacy

Meet Dori: a kind, empathetic couples counselor, individual therapist, and life coach with specialized education and certification in sex therapy. Her friendly style makes it easy to talk about anything, and her solution-focused approach helps you build a bright new future of intimacy and connection.

Knowledge is Power: Educational Resources For Informed Decisions