Love Your Relationship

Amazing Relationships Are Grown.

Expert Couples Counseling and Coaching: Grow, Together

“This was the best thing we ever did.”

Happy couple sitting on porch, representing dating coaching.

What Happy Couples Know

Couples counseling and relationship experts know it too: Healthy relationships don’t just happen. Like anything else worth having, we must create them, intentionally.

The strongest, happiest couples understand that rough patches are growth opportunities in disguise. When you proactively work on your relationship, it will flourish — and so will both of you.

Couple cuddled up next to couch representing emotional intimacy through couples counseling

Positive and Productive Couples Counseling & Coaching

We specialize in relationships and know how to help you create a satisfying, secure, and joyful partnership.

Our experienced relationship experts help you both feel comfortable, respected and understood. You’ll have “courageous conversations” that lead to real and lasting positive change in the way you communicate and connect.

Why Choose Growing Self For Couples Counseling?

Finding a good marriage counselor is hard, and not all therapists are the same. Most practitioners offering couples counseling lack specialized education and training in couples and family therapy, leading to ineffective or even damaging experiences for unsuspecting couples.

In contrast, the relationship experts of Growing Self are marriage and family therapists — authentic relationship experts with years of experience in evidence-based approaches that help you cultivate connection, improve communication, and grow together.

If it‘s time to work on your relationship, partnering with a competent marriage and family therapist will help you achieve the positive outcomes you deserve.

Ready to Grow?

Our experts know how to help you move forward.

Happy Couples Grow, Together

Our Relationship Counseling Services

Our marriage and family therapists have the skills and expertise to help you improve communication, deepen your connection, and rediscover the joy in your relationship.

We’ve helped countless couples, even those who were reluctant to try couples counseling, strengthen their foundation and grow together. We’d like to help you, too.

Here are some of the relationship counseling services we offer:

couple embracing in front of home, representing couples counseling and marriage counseling

Marriage Counseling

Grow Together, Not Apart

Over the years, we all grow and evolve: to be healthy and happy, our marriages must, too.

Our productive, evidence-based marriage counseling helps you increase emotional connection, restore love and respect, achieve healthy communication, and create a joyful and satisfying new chapter together.

We offer online marriage counseling, as well as Denver marriage counseling.

Learn more about marriage counseling with Growing Self.

lesbian couple in an embrace

Couples Therapy

Be Happy, Together

Our empowering approach to couples therapy helps you break through negative patterns, power struggles and miscommunication, and reconnect with your love for each other.

We help you strengthen your commitment, help each other feel loved and validated, and experience the care and respect you both deserve.

Find renewed confidence in your bright future together through couples therapy in Denver, or with online couples therapy.

Learn more about empowering couples therapy with Growing Self.

black couple using laptop for couples counseling online

Online Marriage Counseling

Let’s Meet at Your Place

We make working on your relationship easy — no sitter, no driving, no hassle. Long-distance relationship? No problem.

Online marriage counseling works, often even better than in-person sessions. Our relationship experts know how to create powerful, effective growth experiences through online couples counseling — we’ve been doing it since 2012.

You can meet for expert virtual marriage counseling by secure online video from the privacy of your own home(s).

Learn about our online marriage counseling and online couples therapy services.

family hugging outside in Colorado, representing couples counseling in Denver

Denver Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling Near Me

In addition to our online relationship counseling services, we provide in-person couples therapy and marriage counseling in our Denver and Broomfield, Colorado office locations.

Learn more about our Denver marriage counseling services and how to schedule an in-office session.

couple embracing in the mountains, representing couples counseling and relationship coaching outcomes

Relationship Coaching

Achieve Your Relationship Goals

Action-oriented relationship coaching with Growing Self gives you both new insight and skills to help you achieve your relationship goals.

Whether it’s strengthening your connection, improving your communication, creating agreements, working as a team, or learning how to solve conflict productively, relationship coaching helps you create a healthy, happy relationship you both want and deserve.

Learn more about relationship coaching with Growing Self.

Your Love is Worth it.

Our Specialty Relationship Services

In addition to helping you strengthen the foundation of your relationship, improve communication, and strengthen your connection, our marriage and family therapists have specialized knowledge and experience in sex therapy, parent coaching, financial counseling for couples, long distance couples counseling, affair recovery, and discernment counseling.

couple holding hands in bed

Sex Therapy

For Emotional and Sexual Intimacy

Emotional and sexual disconnection is a common pain point for many couples. Our marriage and family therapists help you repair your bonds.

Our evidence-based approach is thoughtful and empowering. Whether you’re longing for closeness, or don’t want to be touched — we make it easy to talk openly and honestly.

We can help you understand each other and reconnect in all parts of your life — including the bedroom.

Learn more about our sex therapy services.

family playing together in a river

Parent Coaching

Healthy Families, Happy Homes

Becoming a family is an exciting transition that comes with unique challenges for every couple. Our professional marriage and family therapists use evidence-based approaches to help you learn and grow as a family.

We can help with everything related to building a family, from the grief of infertility, the transition into parenthood, blended family counseling, the development of parenting skills, and more.

Learn more about our family therapy and parent coaching services.

senior couple kayaking

Financial Counseling for Couples

For Love and Money

Many couples fight about money — but you don’t have to.

Financial therapy for couples helps you overcome conflict, understand each other’s perspectives, and align around values, hopes, and dreams for your life together.

We can help you achieve financial harmony in your marriage, and learn healthy money management tools to keep you on the same page for years to come.

Learn about financial therapy for couples.

couple at breakfast being affectionate

Long Distance Couples Therapy

Keep Your Love Strong

Long-distance relationships have unique strengths and challenges.

We offer couples therapy, marriage counseling, and relationship coaching to long-distance couples worldwide through secure online video.

Our experienced relationship specialists can help you achieve a secure, strong, and satisfying connection across the miles.

Learn more about our long-distance couples therapy services.

sad couple embracing in hallway

Affair Recovery

Heal and Grow

Affairs can shatter relationships. It takes more than an apology, but with the right support, you can come out the other side stronger than before.

In the aftermath of a physical or emotional affair or any traumatic betrayal, couples need expert guidance to repair trust, release anger, restore intimacy, and move forward.

Our approach to recovering from infidelity and betrayal is powerful and productive. Our relationship experts use active, evidence-based strategies to help you heal your trust and grow together.

Learn about affair recovery counseling.

couple standing on mountain top

Discernment Counseling

Clarity and Confidence

If this is a fork-in-the-road moment for your relationship, discernment counseling can help you feel clear and confident about the best way forward.

If you or your partner are on the fence about working on your relationship (or calling it quits), discernment counseling can create a path to repairing your bond — or to parting peacefully. Learn more about discernment counseling.

Meet a Few of Our Relationship Experts

Our relationship experts are experienced marriage and family therapists who use only evidence-based strategies to help you build emotional connections, improve communication, and make lasting changes.

Our approach is positive, empowering, and effective because it emphasizes both insight and action. If you’re seeking marriage counseling in Denver, online couples counseling, or relationship coaching, we invite you to schedule your free consultation with one of our relationship experts to discuss your hopes and goals.

What Our Clients Say: