Meet Ronni: a career counselor, life coach, and individual counselor with a caring personality and a flare for adventure. Whether you want to embark on a new career path, work on personal growth goals, or pursue greater life satisfaction, she’s here to support and motivate you to create positive change.
Hello, I’m Ronni! As a career counselor and coach, individual counselor, and life coach, I will walk alongside you to provide support and guidance to accomplish your dreams, desires, and goals.
Clients describe me as genuine, warm and caring. I will continually show you unconditional acceptance and the utmost respect and compassion. We’ll work together to create a safe environment where you can explore life’s possibilities, discover your authentic self, choose your best path, and reach your fullest potential.
You are the expert on your own inner experience. As your counselor and coach, I will listen with empathy and share my wisdom while encouraging you to dig deeper to promote self-awareness and a greater understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. We will clarify your values, strengths, and desires so that you may open your world to grow and move forward in a positive direction.
To reach this goal, I include a variety of evidence-based methods including Narrative Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), and techniques from Gestalt Therapy which incorporate listening to your story, examining your behaviors and beliefs, focusing on your strengths, and finding practical solutions to problems.
I am based in Denver, Colorado and provide counseling services to Colorado residents. In addition, I offer career and life coaching services to individuals throughout the country and worldwide.
Your career is an important part of life and consumes approximately one third of your day. You may be trying to select a major in college or are entering the working world for the first time. Maybe you’re unhappy with your current job and you’re seeking a more fulfilling career path. Perhaps you are approaching retirement and feel uncertain about your next chapter. Whatever your circumstances, you may benefit from the guidance and support of a career expert as you navigate these transitions.
To help you, I will draw from evidenced-based career counseling theories as well as an assortment of assessments. Career theories can provide structure to explore possibilities, such as Planned Happenstance, which views unplanned events as inevitable and desirable at the same time. We may discover recurring themes in your life through Mark Savickas’s Career Construction approach, where we make sense out of “your stories” to aid in designing your life. I may also administer the Strong Interest Inventory assessment, based on John Holland’s theory of Vocational Personalities and Work Environments. We will draw upon these tools and others in our work, based on your needs.
Career transitions can be overwhelming, and you may feel stuck. Mutually, we can examine your deepest beliefs, unique dreams, and far-reaching goals while creating your individual plan. With this you can confidently clarify your goals, find your purpose, and experience the joyfulness life’s successes bring to you. It feeds my soul to support you in “figuring it out,” discovering your unique path, and reaching your peak potential.
In your career exploration process, we will define your values, interests, strengths, and skills through meaningful exchanges and appropriate assessments. The goal is for you to find clarity and purpose in this career exploration stage.
If you’re ready to find a job and start your career, I can provide the tools to help you search for the perfect job and cultivate effective skills to apply for it. These vital resources will include writing a resume, preparation for the interview process, including “mock interviews,” and salary negotiation.
If you’ve already secured your ideal job, you may want help with the transition and managing the stress of your new chosen profession. I can support you in navigating your career and employment changes. Together, we can create an action plan to achieve work-life balance while accomplishing your career and personal goals. Whatever your career needs, I am here to guide and support you.
Along with career counseling and coaching, I provide individual counseling for residents of Colorado. In individual therapy, we may address mild depression, anxiety, or a life-altering event such as losing a loved one through death or divorce. Through our counseling sessions, you can find a way to heal and move forward through a difficult time in your life. I will walk by your side to guide and support you, offering an empathetic environment where you can feel safe to share your deepest thoughts and feelings without being judged.
Together, we can explore your innermost beliefs and increase your self-awareness. To facilitate your growth, I may use a combination of techniques from Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Narrative Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, or Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT).
Once we have explored your concerns, we will create a plan to overcome your obstacles. This will include examining thoughts and behaviors which may not be serving you well and replacing them with new ways of thinking that lead to greater success and wellbeing. With my help, you can recognize and understand your personal values, extraordinary dreams, and attainable goals while putting them into action. My personal hope is to help you live your best and most authentic life.
If you want more out of life, but you’re in a good place and don’t think you need counseling, life coaching may be the answer for you.
A great coach can be the difference between being ordinary and extraordinary. I can help you examine your life options, set goals, and take concrete steps to attain them. You may want a coach to help you look at your life realistically, motivate you to look “outside of the box” for new possibilities, show you how to get there, and encourage you to meet the challenges of moving forward.
To help you clarify and reach your goals, I will listen intently with empathy and understanding to your unspoken words. Without judgment, I will use my excellent problem solving skills to guide and encourage you with my positive attitude and unbridled optimism. As your life coach, I will be there for every phase of your journey to help you decide what you want, how to get there, and how to overcome challenges along the way.
Through coaching, I can help you improve your self awareness, find clarity and purpose in life,
generate sustainable positive changes, and develop skills and a mindset to handle whatever life brings your way. At the same time, you will find personal growth, achievement of your goals, and an overall sense of empowerment. Life is a gift! Don’t waste it.
I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Southern Illinois University and recently completed a Master of Arts degree in Counseling and Career Development from Colorado State University. I am a Nationally Certified Counselor, recognized by the board for Certified Counselors, and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate in the state of Colorado. In addition, I am certified to administer and interpret the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strong Interest Inventory (SII).
I was born and raised on a farm in Illinois, and after college, I moved to California to teach school. In life, I had the privilege to experience a wide variety of occupations, including my most recent, as a career counselor at a community college and four-year university. My extensive experience gave me the opportunity to experience multiple careers and life transitions while giving me insight into the process of making change achievable.
Being a fun loving person who approaches life with humor, I find joy everywhere I look. I have had the privilege to travel extensively, including touring by bicycle in several countries, and I’ve had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people along the way. At home you may find me at a Broncos football game, watching Rockies baseball, reading, gardening, or entertaining. I find life to be an exciting adventure and hope to share my enthusiasm for life with you!