Say Goodbye to Unhealthy Feelings of Guilt

Say Goodbye to Unhealthy Feelings of Guilt: What Are Your Feelings Telling You?

Are you struggling with unhealthy feelings of guilt? I’m a big fan of feelings. Feelings carry important information. Feelings help us understand ourselves and other people, and feelings can help guide our lives. However, some kinds of feelings are more complicated than others. Sometimes we need to figure out if our feelings are worth listening to and taking guidance from, or if we need to override them in order to be our best selves.

As a therapist and healthy relationship coach, I work with my clients around healthy feelings. What do they look like? What do they feel like? How to work through the big, sometimes messy ones, and when to do the deeper work needed. Feelings reveal a lot about what’s going on under the surface, but sometimes, certain feelings can actually start to cause more harm than good. 

Today I am talking all about guilt and when guilt turns unhealthy, what you can do to fix it so that you can be emotionally healthy

Say Goodbye to Unhealthy Feelings of Guilt

Guilt is one of those potentially confusing feelings. Some “flavors” of guilt are good; they help us be better people. Some flavors of guilt can trap us in bad situations; stealing our voices and our power. How can you tell which guilt you should listen to, and which you should push away?

On this episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, you’ll learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy guilt, as well as a practical, powerful strategy you can use to say goodbye to unhealthy feelings of guilt for good.

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Say Goodbye to Unhealthy Feelings of Guilt

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