Keep on Track and Make Changes Stick

Keep on Track and Make Changes Stick

Are you struggling to keep on track? Here we are, just a week into the new year. If you’re like many people, your track record on those resolutions may already be spotty. Or perhaps you’ve tossed the whole plan out the window already. Let’s face it: it’s hard to keep on track and make new habits stick.

Here’s some advice from an experienced therapist and life coach: making changes is not about doing the thing perfectly every time. You don’t just hop in a car, point the steering wheel in the general direction of the grocery store, and then expect to get there do you? Of course not. From the moment you pull out of the driveway you’re turning, speeding up, slowing down, taking detours, stopping for gas — you adjust and flex the whole way there.

Likewise, real and lasting change is not about setting your sights on a distant goal and then beaming yourself there in a straight line. Actually doing things involves making mistakes (lots of mistakes, friends), learning from those mistakes, and then using that new information to course-correct your way to success and get back on track.

BUT. That’s not to say that it isn’t helpful to get organized and have tools and strategies to help you along the way. Just like you use your handy Google Map App to get you from A-Z, there are many useful tricks and life-hacks to make doing what you want to do easier than it would be if you just wandered out without a map.

Particularly if your goals for the new year involve creating a new keystone habit, and making it stick, there’s an easy way and a hard way. Here at Growing Self, we’re all about making growth and success as simple and painless as possible. So, here’s a bonus episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast to support you on your journey and help you create a joyful life.

I’ll be discussing:

You can do this!

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

PS: As promised on the podcast, here are the links to some of the resources I discussed:

  • Finances –
  • Weight Loss – &
  • Fitness –
  • Time Management:
  • Original Habit Trackers: &

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Keep on Track and Make Changes Stick

Free, Expert Advice — For You.

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