How to Build a Marriage That Lasts a Lifetime

How to Build a Marriage that Lasts a Lifetime

If you’re reading this, you likely are looking for ways to build a marriage that lasts a lifetime. What can couples who are contemplating marriage do to invest in their future?  As I’ve written about (passionately!) in previous posts, there are specific things that smart couples do — right from the start of their relationship — to set themselves up for a happy, healthy, successful marriage.

Step one? Relationship education. Regrettably, no one explicitly teaches you how to have good relationships. We all muddle through, learning from our mistakes and breaking some things occasionally in the process. But your marriage is much too important to wander through blindly. The quality of your marriage is the center of the life you’ll build. Don’t take chances. Do it right. Believe it or not, there is actually a relationship instruction manual to build a marriage that lasts a lifetime!

What we know from research is that couples who engage in high-quality marriage education programs, either before they get married or in the first few years of marriage, have much better outcomes than couples who don’t. Statistics show lower divorce rates, higher marital satisfaction, and a stronger partnership. You can achieve this too, by investing in your relationship, and educating yourself.

Why does relationship education help? Because proactive couples on a positive trajectory who learn ahead of time how to handle inevitable issues, how to communicate, and how to keep their love alive prevent relationship problems from happening in the first place.

Our Wedding Present to You

If you are getting married this year (or even if you jumped the broom a few years ago), I am here today to support YOU in creating an amazing, strong, and enduring marriage by providing you with loads of free information. I want you to have everything you need to be happy and successful in your relationship for years to come!

Free Premarital Counseling Advice

Specifically, today, I have a “marriage education” present for you: I have enlisted the support of one of our resident premarital counseling experts, Meagan Terry, MA, LMFT. Meagan is a licensed marriage and family therapist, an emotional intelligence and communication coach, trained by the federal reserve to do financial counseling with couples, AND she teaches our Lifetime of Love Premarital and Relationship Class.

On this edition of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, Meagan will be SPILLING THE BEANS about the kinds of skills and strategies couples need to learn to create a lifetime of love together.

Listen to our interview and learn the kinds of things you and your sweetie can start doing now to ensure that your relationship stays strong. You’ll also get some insight into the skills and strategies she teaches her premarital couples to help them get on the same page around finances, sexuality, priorities, and more.

xoxo, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

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How to Build a Marriage That Lasts a Lifetime

Free, Expert Advice — For You.

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  1. So, AMA! If you have questions about getting married, or want specifics on how to handle different situations, lay it on me! I’ll take your questions to our Ask a Wedding Expert Event and get the scoop for you. Feeling too shy to share your question? Email me instead. LMB

  2. So, AMA! If you have questions about getting married, or want specifics on how to handle different situations, lay it on me! I’ll take your questions to our Ask a Wedding Expert Event and get the scoop for you. Feeling too shy to share your question? Email me instead. LMB

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