Start Strong This New Year

Start Strong This New Year

Are you ready to start strong this new year? Did you know that making New Year’s resolutions can actually get in the way of your making real and lasting changes in your life? As a therapist and life coach, I often have clients around the new year with big dreams struggling to make effective moves forward.

Today on the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast I’m putting on my life coach hat: I’m going to teach you a totally different way of thinking about “success” that will help you clarify your values, focus your energy on what’s really important, and help you make massive progress towards the things you want most in life this coming year.

Sounds bold, I know, but this is a system I use all the time with great results — both with my clients and myself. Today I’m going to be teaching it to you, too.

Want to Start Strong? New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

I felt compelled to share this with you because I know that you — like all of us — probably have high hopes for starting strong this coming year. And there’s nothing worse than making big plans for change… only to feel like a “failure” before February even rears its heart-spangled self.

What we know from research is that only 8% of Americans achieve their New Years’ resolutions. Pretty grim. That’s 92% of people feeling like they missed the mark.

So What Will Actually Help You Start Strong and Achieve Your Goals?

In order to understand what will work, we have to first understand what traditional New Year’s resolutions are lacking, and why they fizzle fast.

Even the most heartfelt resolutions are often disconnected from the things that will get you real results (i.e., your values, your time, and your energy). It’s one thing to set a goal. Goals are great and give us a direction to move towards. But making things happen in your life is altogether different than “achieving goals.” To hike up the tallest mountain, you have to stay on the path. The right path. If your only focus is the mountain peak, it’s pretty easy to wander off into the bushes that are right in front of you.

Here’s A Simple System That Will Move You Forward, Meaningfully.

This podcast is my New Year’s gift to you. I’ll be teaching you the system I use and that I use with many of my clients to help them refocus, recenter, and kindle a motivational fire under them. It will help you not just start strong this New Year and on the right foot, but help you get on the right path for the long haul.

Because I’m all about making things easy and effective I even made you a worksheet so that you can work along with me during the podcast, and do the activities I’ll be walking you through. Just tell me where to send it.

And – FYI – If you happen to be reading this AFTER the New Year, that is great too. This approach is a life skill that you can use any time of the year to get re-focused, re-centered, and re-energized. Walkthrough the activities any time you’re feeling like you need to get back on track.

All the best,
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

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Start Strong This New Year

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  1. Thank you. I’ve listened to your podcast for 2 years and look forward to completing my action plan! Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you so much for listening Ashley! That makes me happy to hear. Good luck to you in achieving your goals for 2017. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can do anything else to support you, or if you have any podcast / article topics that would help you on your journey of growth this year. All the best, LMB

  2. Thank you. I’ve listened to your podcast for 2 years and look forward to completing my action plan! Happy New Year.

  3. Thank you so much for listening Ashley! That makes me happy to hear. Good luck to you in achieving your goals for 2017. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can do anything else to support you, or if you have any podcast / article topics that would help you on your journey of growth this year. All the best, LMB

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