How Do I Get Over A Breakup?
How Do I Get Over A Breakup?
When working with breakup recovery clients in breakup therapy, a lot of people think that the worst part of a breakup is the moment of separation between you and your partner. And that’s not untrue. The actual instant that one partner says, “I’m done,” can be devastating, but in my experience, that’s not the thing that affects people most about a breakup. It’s the mental and emotional fallout waiting for them on the other side. Breakups can leave lasting emotional scars that take years to heal, and without time, intention, and self-awareness, they might not heal at all.
Moving on is hard, and one of the most difficult challenges waiting for people going through a breakup is dealing with the unanswerable questions that well up inside of them. People tend to replay relationship events in their minds over and over, trying to make sense of what happened. They also often worry about how they’ll ever find closure and get over it… and when they’ll stop feeling so terrible.
Breakup Advice For The Most Common Breakup Questions
Since I do so much work around breakup recovery, I often have people get in touch with me with questions, and for help in dealing with a bad breakup. But I recently had a listener of my Love, Happiness and Success Podcast get in touch with me in the most unique way. She had read my book, “Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to An Ex Love” and had some additional questions about how to get over some of the most common (and frankly, hardest) aspects of breakup recovery. Instead of just emailing me, she recorded her questions in one of the sweetest videos I’ve ever seen and shared it with me.
As I watched her ask her heartfelt questions, I thought of all the other people who were probably going through the exact same things. I got back in touch with her to see if it was okay to use her recording in an upcoming episode of the podcast so that my listeners (and YOU) could also benefit from hearing the answers. She was kind enough to let me share them, and today’s podcast is the result.
So if you’re also going through a breakup and wondering…
- How do I let go of the guilt and regrets I have about this relationship?
- How do I repair my self-esteem after being rejected?
- How do I deal with seeing my Ex’s friends out?
- What can I do when I miss my Ex?
- How do I cope with being “blindsided” by a break up?
- Will I ever feel hopeful and excited about finding a new love?
… you’ll definitely want to tune into this episode of the Love, Happiness & Success Podcast.
I hope our conversation helps you find your way towards growth, recovery, and connection, too.
xoxo, Lisa Marie Bobby
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How Do I Get Over A Breakup?
Free, Expert Advice — For You.
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Divorce and Breakup Recovery Resources
Divorce & Breakup Advice
Get more free breakup and divorce recovery advice in our extensive library of articles and podcasts on the subject. Visit the Healing After Heartbreak Collection on our blog to access them all.
Discernment Counseling
If you or your partner are considering separation, discernment counseling can help you both gain clarity around whether or not there is hope for your relationship. Learn about discernment counseling.
When to Call It Quits
Is there still hope for your relationship, or is it best to part ways? Learn the signs that growth and healing are possible, vs. signs it’s time to call it quits in a relationship.
Amicable Divorce
Amicable divorce prioritizes the mental and emotional wellness of everyone involved and creates the foundation for a healthy co-parenting partnership. Learn how to achieve an amicable divorce.
Breakup Therapy & Divorce Counseling
Time alone does not heal. Effective, informed, evidence-based breakup therapy and divorce counseling help you heal, grow, and move forward into emotional freedom.
The Stages of a Breakup
Withdrawal, grieving, growing, rebuilding: Understanding the stages of recovery are vital to your healing process after a divorce. Learn about the stages of breakup recovery…
How to Leave a Toxic Relationship, With Dignity
Learn why it’s so hard to leave a toxic relationship, and the things you can do to empower and support yourself in your journey to emotional empowerment.
Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex
Can you ever stop loving someone? Want to know how to get over an ex? Learn how to stop thinking about someone so you can move on.
Are You Addicted to a Toxic Relationship?
Profoundly unhealthy relationships can be the hardest to get over. Find out if you’re addicted to a toxic relationship.
Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love
Why is it so hard to let go, even when you know you should? In her award-winning “Exaholics” book, Dr. Lisa explains why, and illuminates the path forward towards emotional liberation, growth, and recovery.
Online Breakup and Divorce Support Group
You’re not alone. Heal your heart in our positive, affirming online breakup and divorce support group, led by an experienced divorce and breakup recovery counselor.
Heal Your Broken Heart: Breakup Recovery Program
In this self-paced online breakup recovery program Dr. Lisa helps you work through the stages of healing from heartbreak, through empowering personal growth activities.
How Much Does Therapy Cost?
Good therapy is a priceless investment in your growth and healing, but not all therapy is valuable. Learn about the cost of therapy that moves you forward.
Stop a Divorce
The threat of divorce can actually be a turning point for a marriage if you understand how to use it as an opportunity to foster healing. In this podcast, learn how to stop a divorce.
Start Breakup Therapy or Divorce Counseling
If you’d like to work with a Growing Self divorce / breakup recovery expert, the first step is to have a free consultation meeting.
More Questions? Let’s Talk.
If you have questions about our services or would like support in connecting with one of our experts, we’re here for you by phone, email or chat. Get in touch, anytime.