Life After Loss
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
The thing I love most about being a therapist is helping people grow. It’s an honor to sit with someone as they expand themselves, take risks, learn to connect more deeply, and find new ways to fully inhabit their lives.
But life is not an eternally upward spiral of positive change. It also contains loss, misfortune, diminishment, regret, and heart-shattering things that can never be undone. As much as I love guiding people along life’s upward trajectory, I also know that’s only one dimension of the human experience. We live in a culture that tries to tell us otherwise, but grief and loss are a part of life, and they compel us to suffer tremendously.
In his memoir on grieving his wife, the writer Julian Barnes wrote that “In grief, nature is so exact. It hurts just as much as it is worth.” I believe that grief is the price we pay for loving deeply and living fully. It’s a price none of us wants to pay, but the alternative is so much worse.
If you’re riding the waves of grief, this article is for you. I’ve also recorded an episode of the Love, Happiness and Success podcast on this topic, featuring two of my Growing Self colleagues. You can tune in on this page, Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.
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Life After Loss
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Music Credits: “My Land,” by Midnight Door
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Life After Loss
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, we experienced losses great and small. Some losses feel sad but manageable, such as the loss of the ability to go out, meet with friends, enjoy a coffee at your favorite haunt. [Read, “Coping With Coronavirus Life” for more]
Some losses feel existential, like the loss of an identity defined by the things we do. There is also the poignant loss of having to scrap future plans or even the trajectory of a life-path that once felt so clear. Even more troubling is the loss of the sense of basic safety in the world.
Other losses are harder to cope with, like losing your job, having to cancel a wedding, missing once-in-a-lifetime milestones that you’ll never get to re-do, or even giving birth to a child without the support of your partner.
How to Heal From Grief
But the worst loss of all, and the one too many around the world are facing, is the loss of a cherished, irreplaceable loved one. There are no words to describe the enormity of the devastation that losing a loved one brings. The grief is overwhelming, and it feels endless. But it also contains the seeds of powerful growth.
How can you cope with grief? How do you manage the waves of sadness? Most importantly, how do you heal and rebuild your life after loss?
Life After Loss: Grief Counseling Experts Weigh In
In this episode, we’re covering important topics related to grief and loss, like:
- Why ideas about the “5 stages of grief” are misleading, and what you can really expect when you’re coping with loss.
- Why it’s so important to give yourself permission to feel all the feelings that come with grief, without judgment or shame.
- How to step in and out of grief so that it doesn’t overwhelm you.
- What the path of healing from grief involves, so you can understand what lies ahead.
- Emotional self-care when you’re grieving.
- How to release the past and shift back into hope and gratitude for some losses.
- Finding meaning after tragic events.
- The unexpected ways that grief can help us learn and grow.
- How to use mindful self-compassion to release the idea of “getting over it” and instead find ways of deepening your relationship with a loved one, even after they’re physically gone.
We offer all this information with a sincere hope that it provides you with comfort, compassion and direction that supports you in your journey of healing.
Life After Loss: Episode Show Notes
- Lacking Control
- We can also feel grief from losing things important to us, such as time and experiences.
- This lack of control can make us feel anxious and powerless.
- To combat this feeling, we can set routines and think of new things to look forward to.
- Embracing Dark Emotions
- We will feel the full force of our dark emotions if we suppress them.
- Like a wave, we should allow these to lift us up and eventually set us back down.
- We may have to set our emotions aside in order to function, but we will eventually need to face them at some point.
- There is no right way to grieve, so do not judge yourself.
- Reimagining the Stages of Grief
- Grieving is not linear.
- Rather than expecting ours to follow five stages, we can expect to feel all of these five emotions at one period of time.
- Grief is more like a cycle: we can go from acceptance and then back to anger.
- The older we get and more experience we have, the more we realize that it is possible to move on.
- Losing a Loved One
- Feel free to think that your loved one is still with you. As long as you live, your memories of them will continue to live on.
- Connect with your community and find support however you can.
- Saying Goodbye
- When a loved one is at the end of their life, the most essential things you can say are:
- I love you.
- I’m sorry, I forgive you.
- I’ll miss you, goodbye.
- When a loved one is at the end of their life, the most essential things you can say are:
Music in this episode is Midnight Door, with their song “My Land.” You can support them and their work by visiting their Bandcamp page here about midnightdoor bandcamp. Under the circumstance of use of music, each portion of used music within this current episode fits under Section 107 of the Copyright Act, i.e., Fair Use. Please refer to if further questions are prompted.
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Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby is a licensed psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, board-certified coach, AAMFT clinical supervisor, host of the Love, Happiness, and Success Podcast and founder of Growing Self.
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