Learn and Grow
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Music Credits: sød ven, “State of Mind”
You’re Already Enough
It can be easy to over-focus on constant, never ending improvements, new goals, the next step, and all the things you have yet to achieve.
But the truth is that you have already grown so much, learned so much, and done so much. Sometimes it can be more empowering to slow down and respect the enormous amount of work you already have done rather than pushing yourself.
So often, personal growth can feel like chasing some idealized version of yourself. It can feel discouraging rather than inspiring, especially if you feel like you’re never quite good enough. In contrast, radical self-acceptance is the highest form of growth because from this place of self-awareness and self-love we can truly be the very best of who we are.
The love, happiness and success we seek through our efforts to “change” can sometimes be elusive. But so often, they miraculously show up on their own when you stop working so hard to change yourself, and instead focus on how strong, amazing, and accomplished you already are.
This type of self discovery process is often achieved not by charging ahead into the next level of your personal evolution, but rather by digging in to who you already are.
On this Episode: Learn and Grow…
We all want to learn how to work on ourselves, grow and learn, and become the very best version of who we are. Sometimes, the true path of personal growth is not forcing yourself to change into some new iteration of yourself, but rather to discover and embrace the strengths and virtues you already have.
For the last several years, on the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, I’ve done experiential growth activities with my listeners in order to help them reflect on past years and set goals for their future aspirations.
There’s a time and place for that type of forward focus and personal challenge. If you are here seeking a goal setting experience, I invite you to check out last year’s Ten-Year Plan podcast and activity.
There are times when it’s more helpful to rest and reflect, and embrace our strengths, life lessons, and accomplishments rather than charging forward into new goals and aspirations.
If this is a time for reflection and acceptance for you, this episode of the podcast will walk you through an activity designed to help you do exactly that. By the end of our time together today, I hope you have:
- Greater appreciation for your strengths
- A sense of empowerment for all that you’ve already achieved
- Deeper clarity about your values
- A different perspective about your obstacles
- Wisdom from your dark emotions
I have created a set of journaling prompts / exercises to help you not just follow along with the personal growth activities I describe in this episode, but to dig in!
Download the workbook that goes with this podcast (below) then scroll down to the bottom of this post to listen and follow along. Or you can listen to Learn and Grow on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen to your podcasts.
Let’s Talk.
Schedule a Free Consultation Today.
Episode Highlights: Learn and Grow
Learning From Your Old Self
It can be easy to over-focus on the things we haven’t done, or the mistakes we’ve made, or the times that we have struggled with disappointment. But a door to powerful personal growth and self-development opens when we shift into what the hardest times we’ve faced reveal about our character, our values, what we’re capable of, and what’s truly most important.
When we have the courage to face the hard parts of life from a place of compassion and radical acceptance rather than anger, we have the opportunity to receive the hidden gifts they have to offer.
Unlock Your Strengths
It’s often said that “character is revealed through adversity.” But in my experience, character is often formed through adversity. You don’t know who you really are until you’ve experienced disappointment or hardship. Only then can you fully be aware of how strong you truly are, and what you’re capable of.
Those are often moments that lead us to greater self-love, self-acceptance, and self-esteem too. It’s often the personal qualities that we don’t love the most about ourselves that are the most useful to us when times are hard. Recognizing and embracing these aspects of your “shadow self” can help you appreciate yourself in a whole new way. (For more on this topic, I invite you to check out the “Shadow Work” episode of the podcast.)
Sometimes personal growth happens when you challenge yourself to think, feel, or do things differently. But sometimes the most important growth occurs when you realize that you don’t have to change or do anything in order to be good enough, strong, accomplished, and worthy of love and respect. You’re already there. Your life lessons and strengths are yours to keep.
The “personal growth work” is not one of creation and effort. It’s of discovery and acceptance.
Thanks for joining me today. I sincerely hope that these ideas and activities support you on your journey of growth.
With gratitude for the gift of YOU…
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Learn and Grow
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Music Credits: sød ven, “State of Mind”
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Episode Highlights
- Radical Acceptance
- There is a time and place for aspiration and self-improvement.
- Equally important is embracing and cultivating the amazing people that we already are.
- There’s a notion that we need to change, but first, we need to understand what needs changing, if at all.
- When you understand the things that are true about you, you can start seeing them as strengths.
- Obstacles are Paths
- Obstacles in our path are not obstacles: they are the path.
- They teach us and show us our strengths.
- Uncover Your Strengths
- You may have qualities that other people do not think of positively.
- However, seen in a different light, you can still consider these as strengths.
- You have already gone through so much. Thus, you have already possess the tools and qualities to see your way through.
Let’s Talk.
Schedule a Free Consultation Today.
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby is a licensed psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, board-certified coach, AAMFT clinical supervisor, host of the Love, Happiness, and Success Podcast and founder of Growing Self.
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