Man sitting outside on his laptop. Four benefits of online coaching.

Here’s Why You Should Try Online Coaching

Are you considering online therapy or life coaching but don’t quite know where to start? Life coaching, among other types of coaching, is a form of support that many people utilize for different reasons, but let’s talk about why online coaching might be the right option for you.

As a Ph.D. clinical psychologist, I started out years ago doing traditional therapy with clients for issues such as depression and anxiety. The in-office setting made the most sense for me at that time due to the extreme distress many of my clients were experiencing and it was important for me to physically be present with them and to offer support (and tissues!). However, once I obtained my professional coaching certification, I began to specialize in career and life coaching which drew different types of clients to me. 

While they had some transient anxiety or depressive feelings about not being in their dream career or living their best life (which would be expected), they didn’t have those symptoms at a clinical level. Additionally, my coaching clients had different needs and expectations than my therapy clients. As an aside, I do have some coaching clients who are also in concurrent therapy and I feel fortunate to have some amazing therapist colleagues to refer them to for their therapy needs.

When I first made the switch to online coaching by phone or video, I have to admit that I was hesitant at first about meeting with people online or by phone. Would we have the same connection? Would it be as helpful as in-person? Would it be weird looking at a camera or talking on the phone with someone instead of being face-to-face? Now that I’ve been doing online and phone coaching for several years, here are the things I’ve discovered as well as what my clients have shared with me.

Without further adieu, 

The Four Benefits Of Online Coaching:

  1. Global Reach

Whereas I used to be limited to serving clients who happened to live in my general proximity (Denver), I now can meet with clients all over the U.S. and the world—from South Africa to Europe to Canada. 

Working with such a diverse population of clientele is not only inherently rewarding but has greatly enriched my knowledge of other cultures and experiences. It’s also amazing how similar people are in terms of wanting to live their best possible life!

And as more and more people begin to work-from-home, many have had the opportunity to travel and still connect with me for our sessions no matter what time zone they are located in.

The benefits of working with the same coach consistently, no matter your location, provides you stability and a greater return on success. You’re likely to hit your milestones and reach your goals more frequently with an established, professional coach who knows your hopes and goals and is professionally trained to help you achieve them. 

  1. Flexible Session Times

I’ve had people do sessions outside from a street in Dubai, at an airport terminal while waiting for a flight, in their office on their lunch break, from their car (parked of course!) and in their own living room while their kiddo was napping. Whereas, an in-person session means the client also has to allot time for traffic and driving to and from the appointment, parking, checking in with the receptionist, finding a babysitter, etc., online coaching is so much easier to fit into a busy schedule—and my clients tend to be very busy people.

And the truth is, flexible scheduling and session times means more time for other things. Instead of fighting traffic to get to and from session, clients have shared with me that they can use that time to relax and get into the right mindset prior to our meeting – leading to a more fruitful experience. 

  1. Flexible Scheduling Platforms

Sometimes, my clients want to see my smiling face so we do Skype or Zoom; while other times, they may be traveling and so a phone call works better on certain weeks. Or, technology blips happen (because life) and we switch from one mode to another.

So, whether you are connecting from the road, home, or the park – there’s flexible platforms for you to connect through.

  1. Effective Results

In fact, I’ve found online coaching to be even more effective because we are laser-focused during those 45 minutes (remember that extra time before session to refocus and relax mentioned earlier?). I’ve had multiple local clients whom I initially saw in-person who decided to switch to online coaching with me due to their busy schedules. An interesting outcome of that is that most ended up preferring the phone even over Skype/Zoom. Why? Many told me that they can think better and process ideas more when they walk around, so the phone allows them to do that while we talk. 

If you’ve never given online or phone coaching a try, I hope you will consider the amazing benefits. Taking steps to change your life for the better is an investment of your time, energy, and resources but life is too short to waste another day. 

Wishing you all the best,

Dr. Kristi H.

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