The Power of Decluttering

The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Music Credits: Josh Woodward, “Release”

Release Your Stuff + Rediscover Yourself

DECLUTTER YOUR LIFE: Do you ever feel oppressed by all the stuff that you’re hanging on to? Is it hard to get organized and stay organized? Do you feel like your life is crammed full of obligations, relationships, things, or even a career that no longer fits the person you’ve become?

As a Denver therapist and online therapist, I’m about to share some great advice that has helped many of my clients increase their personal freedom and decrease their stress.  However, this advice goes beyond just home-improvement! Intentionally getting clear about who you are NOW and where you want to go with your life in the future can help you cut through all the clutter to develop an environment and a lifestyle that feels both satisfying and congruent with the best parts of yourself.

How Decluttering Improves Your Life

Releasing things that no longer fit the person you’ve grown into helps you on so many levels. Not only is it much easier to get (and stay!) organized when you have fewer things in your life, the act of purging can help you re-evaluate what is most important to you. This exercise in letting go of physical materials or burdensome obligations can actually help you clarify your values and priorities. [More: How to Find Your Purpose in Life]

Every time you intentionally release something from your life, you are essentially asking yourself, “Is this object/relationship/commitment congruent with the person I am growing into?” If the answer is no, it gives you the confidence to let go of it and consciously make space for what you DO want in your life. This wonderful catharsis of evaluating your values to keep only what you deem worthy can be considered a form of “decluttering therapy.”  

Where to Start Decluttering

This is the perfect time of year to get organized and declutter. The back-to-school season naturally brings an energy of newness and regeneration. However, “decluttering paralysis” is also a thing that can prevent you from purging your home. Many people feel genuinely overwhelmed at the prospect of decluttering their homes or simplifying their lives. Part of this may be due to the actual work involved in physically going through everything, but often, decluttering feels mentally stressful because of the emotional attachments we have to objects and circumstances.

The trick to intentional decluttering is not actually hauling out all the stuff and sorting it into “keep” or “release” boxes. The key to decluttering and getting organized is internal. Sorting through your values, core beliefs, and emotional attachments must come first. Then, the actual purging part is much easier because you know what to do.

Decluttering Podcast With a Decluttering Expert!

True, meaningful decluttering goes much deeper than just cleaning out a closet. Decluttering is really all about maintaining a values-based lifestyle as an exercise in personal clarity and evolution. To help YOU along your journey of renewal and growth, I’ve invited decluttering expert, Olivia Heine, to join me on the latest episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast.

If you’re looking for some decluttering inspiration, you’ll definitely want to listen to this episode. We’re discussing 

There is so much valuable information to share with you. Olivia and I hope this discussion helps YOU get clear about who you are, what you want…. and what to finally release!

All the best,

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby & Olivia Heine (@declutteredintentions)

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The Power of Decluttering

The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Music Credits: Josh Woodward, “Release”

Free, Expert Advice — For You.

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