Letting Go of Resentment
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Music Credits: Duchess Says, “Negative Thoughts”
Have you been holding on to feelings of resentment for a very long time? While it is normal to feel resentful at times, it shouldn’t get the best of you and your relationship. Letting go of resentment in a relationship can be tricky and puzzling, but it is possible!
Sometimes it’s possible to release resentment on your own, and other times it may take the support of a great online marriage counselor or relationship coach. Either way, working with your partner productively is the only way to heal, release resentment and move on.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I’m going to share HOW to release resentment.
How to Let Go of Anger and Resentment
In this episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, you will learn more about why resentment in relationships happens. I speak with many couples in my Denver marriage counseling or online couples therapy sessions about how to deal with resentment that’s built up over the years.
Today, I’m sharing the same ideas and strategies with you: We will discuss why we should overcome these feelings of bitterness and resentment before they are blown out of proportion and ruin your relationship. I will also talk about the importance of counseling for couples with unresolved issues, if it feels like it’s impossible to move past resentment using the techniques I outline in this episode.
Tune in to this episode to learn more about resentment and how you can work toward overcoming it.
“Letting Go of Resentment” Episode Highlights
Listen and learn about:
Two Types of Resentment in Relationships
- The difference between the two types of resentment depends on the origin and nature of resentment. [More about repairing trust here.]
- Current resentment: It is a persistent feeling of anger or frustration from a situation that is happening at the moment, like when it feels like one of you is taking on more than your fair share of responsibility.
- Resentment related to old wounds or past experiences: These are emotionally unresolved resentments and may be related to relationship traumas such as a betrayal or infidelity that you have not moved past.
- Nonetheless, any type of resentment can create issues in your present relationships and make communication difficult.
- Feeling resentful toward your partner can make it difficult for you to be kind and loving. You may feel stuck in a place leading to more resentment, over time.
The Experience of Feeling Resentful
- Resentment can make you behave in less ideal ways in your relationship.
- It may be hard for your partner to understand your behavior and why you’re acting the way you are.
- A relationship can become toxic if the resentment starts to translate into negative behavior and actions.
- It is crucial to deal with resentment productively and directly, through healthy communication strategies.
When Is It Time For Couples Therapy?
- It might be best to seek help if you cannot discuss the things that are making you feel resentful without it leading to an unproductive conflict.
- If you need help, it’s a good idea to get it sooner rather than later. If resentment continues, it can grow and turn into hostility and mistrust. It can damage a relationship or marriage, and it makes your relationship more difficult to repair the longer it’s allowed to fester.
- Working with a marriage counselor online or in person can help you move past blame, and start focusing on positive solutions instead.
- A good relationship professional can be your accountability partner when trying to make real and lasting change that reduce resentment-causing behaviors in a relationship.
Why Online Marriage Counseling Helps
- Couples therapy online or in person helps a couple become emotionally responsive to each other.
- It provides an avenue for interaction that improves communication and allows for healing.
- When couples try to address old resentments by themselves, it can be counterproductive and heavily charged with negative emotions.
- A marriage counselor, relationship coach or couples therapist can help you have productive conversations even when you’re both feeling triggered.
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
- EFCT is a type of couples therapy that based on a model and process that allows couples to figure out how to have empathy, validation, and emotional responsiveness.
- Readdressing unfinished emotional business enables a couple to have healing experiences together.
- Moving on without resentment is an experiential process.
5 Powerful Takeaways From This Episode
“Resentment only happens because of stuckness. There is a stuck place that is leading to resentment.”
“But this is the reason why resentment is so incredibly toxic in a relationship and why it absolutely has to be addressed in a productive and direct way.”
“It’s not always okay to act on anger, but always okay to listen to your anger. And then pick up wisdom and guidance from your anger.”
“If you don’t create agreements about how we operate, and if it doesn’t feel relatively balanced and equitable, and resentment continues to fester, resentment will grow, and over time it will grow into hostility and mistrust, and it will damage a relationship.”
“And there’s the path to healing, and it’s possible, and I’ve seen lots of couples do it. And it’s absolutely gorgeous and glorious when it does because it often, you know, along the way people do a lot of learning and growing about themselves, and there is laughter; there are tears.”
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Thanks for listening!
PS. One of the resources I mentioned in this episode is our “How Healthy is Your Relationship Quiz.” This can be a great way to open the door to a productive conversation with your partner.
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Letting Go of Resentment
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Music Credits: Duchess Says, “Negative Thoughts”
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