Long Distance Relationship Questions
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Long Distance Relationship Questions
Since we do so much online marriage counseling, online couples therapy, and online relationship coaching here at Growing Self, it’s only natural that we routinely work with couples in long-distance relationships seeking long-distance couple’s therapy online.
Over the years, I’ve learned a lot as an online marriage counselor specializing in long distance relationships about the special strengths and vulnerabilities unique to long distance couples.
For starters, long distance couples have so many strengths! Most people see a long-distance relationship as a challenge or not an ideal situation. However, when you have strategies to make your long-distance relationship strong and successful, a good long distance relationship actually offers many opportunities and positive aspects that a typical relationship does not.
With the right formula and a strong foundation, love can bridge any gap. Distance, after all, makes the heart grow fonder.
Questions About Long Distance Relationships, Answered.
In this episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast, I’m answering questions about long distance relationships and how to make them work. Despite the downside of physical absence, there are many unique opportunities for growth that a long-distance relationship can provide.
While a LDR has its challenges, it also has advantages. I am ecstatic to bring this topic to the table and share some insights and best practices to help long-distance couples get through the bouts of doubt.
Tune in to this episode to learn more about what makes a long-distance relationship work.
Long Distance Relationship Questions: The Podcast
If you’re in a long distance relationship, here’s what you’ll get from tuning in today:
- Learn the different kinds of long distance relationships.
- Discover actionable strategies that successful long distance couples use to deepen their relationship.
- Learn how to manage anxiety and feel secure in a long distance relationship.
- Understand some vital long distance relationship questions that you and your partner need to be asking each other, if you have long term intentions.
So much great information for long distance couples in this episode. Listen right now to “Long Distance Relationship Questions” on Spotify, on the Podcast App, or scroll down to the bottom of this post to listen to this episode.
If you’re a reader, you can scroll through the highlights and / or access the full transcript of this episode below.
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Long Distance Relationships Questions, Answered
Let’s get a super-basic long distance couple’s therapy question out of the way first: “Do you provide long distance couples therapy by three way video?”
We get this question all the time, and the answer is Yes! Our experienced relationship experts routinely work with long distance couples for online relationship therapy and online relationship coaching via secure, three way video.
For more common questions about our therapy and coaching services you are officially invited to our FAQ / Help Center page or you can also spend some time with our chatbot. (Lower right). Now that one is out of the way, so we can move on…
Kinds of Long-Distance Relationships
Did you know that there are different kinds of long distance relationships? And that depending on the kind you’re in, you’ll have different things you’ll need to think about and do to make it strong?
For example:
- One kind of long-distance relationship is when a long term, married, or committed couple who lived together is now living apart. It can be a temporary separation, usually due to work or military deployment.
- Some couples have a more permanent or semi-permanent long-distance relationship, and that’s just the kind of way they operate.
- Another type of long-distance relationship is when a couple becomes a long-distance couple during the early stages of relationship development or dating.
- There are also long-distance relationships that develop from meeting once in person, sometimes while on vacation.
- The last kind of long-distance relationship is when people meet online and don’t physically interact — all their interactions are over the internet. This kind of relationship is happening more frequently due to the pandemic.
Advantages of Long-Distance Relationships
Long distance relationships can work. Long distance relationships can flourish! Here’s why:
- Long-distance relationships can give a different kind of individual growth.
- There are many opportunities for personal growth that are sometimes hard to achieve when couples are together every day.
- A long-distance relationship challenges people to change and evolve to keep the relationship strong and healthy despite the distance.
- The independence and individuality that long-distance relationships bring about can keep the relationship vibrant, novel, and engaging.
How to Nurture a Long-Distance Relationship
The secret to having a healthy, strong, and satisfying long distance relationship is to very deliberately find ways of maintaining your connection so that you both feel loved and cared for despite the miles between you. Here are some things to think about:
- Long-distance relationships have mostly conversation-based interactions: this is a huge strength.
- Invest in conversations to deepen the connection. Remember, your partner needs to hear from you even if you don’t feel like talking.
- You have to manage your expectations regarding who you think your partner is and what kind of person they are, especially when your day-to-day interactions are limited. There might be some things about your long-distance partner that you haven’t seen yet.
- Work on emotional responsiveness and open communication in order to keep your connection strong.
Questions For Long Distance Couples
Part of the “success strategy for long distance couples” needs to be making sure that you’re on the same page about what you’re doing. (You may need to have this conversation periodically!)
Part of what our relationship experts do when providing long distance couples therapy online is a comprehensive assessment to understand the strengths and growth opportunities of your relationship, including a couple’s most important long term goals, values, and hopes.
Here are a few long distance relationship questions to get this ball rolling:
- What are your long-term goals as a couple?
- Is the relationship feeling good for the both of you? If it stops feeling good, what will you do?
- What are your values? What is important to you?
- How do you maintain your connection as a couple?
- What would you consider to be a deal-breaker in a relationship?
For even more, we invite you and your partner to take our “How Healthy Is Your Relationship Quiz” to get insight into your relationship’s strengths and growth opportunities. This is a low-key way to have connecting conversations about how to grow your relationship together.
And, free advice from a marriage counselor: If you are not able to have productive conversations about these (or other) essential topics, that is a sign that it might be time for couple’s therapy or relationship coaching.
Enlisting the support of a relationship expert can help you improve your communication, connect on a deeper level, learn how to show each other love and respect in the way that you need it, and get on the same page about your long term needs and goals. If you’d like to get involved in long distance relationship therapy online, the first step is to schedule a free consultation session.
Understanding The Needs of Long-Distance Relationships
It’s additionally important to consider the unique needs of long distance relationships. Here are just a few things to think about:
- Knowing each other’s love languages can help maintain the connection amid the distance.
- One of the biggest challenges for long distance couples is that or both partners may experience heightened anxiety or insecurity, which requires responsiveness, reassurance, contact, and information. Here’s more info about “How to Feel More Secure in Your Relationship”
- The lack of physical presence can be a point of conflict.
- Couples therapy or relationship coaching can support in creating conversations between a long-distance couple.
Advice for Long-Distance Couples About to Cohabitate
Many long distance couples long for the day when they’ll be together again. The challenges they face when moving in together can therefore surprise them.
- Couples have to plan and handle their reintegration carefully when they reunite.
- There is an opportunity for growth in conflict. Welcome it and deal with it constructively.
- Find ways to get to know each other on a deep and realistic level.
- There are many opportunities to be emotionally available and to be vulnerable with each other.
- Do not get attached to any particular outcome, especially for long-distance couples in the early stages of dating.
5 Powerful Quotes From This Episode
“And so one of the biggest stress points for long-distance committed couples that are having a temporary separation is that they have to reconfigure all of those roles so quickly. And it can be challenging to do that.”
“There is also a neat opportunity for a healthy interdependence, and opportunities for individual growth that are sometimes more challenging to achieve when long term couples are, you know, breathing each other’s air every single day and sort of doing the same thing.”
“And so, you know, it’s almost like a fire that needs some air to breathe. Relationships can be like that too.”
“But again, even just having those conversations with each other can be the opportunity to really learn so much about each other- long term goals, values, hopes and dreams. Also the way people operate in terms of their willingness to bend on your behalf.”
“Conflict in a relationship is always simply a sign that there are things that need to be discussed and worked out. All conflict is an opportunity for connection. It is not a bad thing to have conflict in a relationship. That is an opportunity for growth.”
Enjoy this Podcast?
Learning how you could create love, happiness, and success for yourself has never been this easy. If you enjoyed today’s episode of the Love, Success, and Happiness Podcast, I hope you subscribe where ever you listen to podcasts. (And consider leaving a review!)
Post a review and share it! Did this podcast help you? Or did it make you think of someone else who could really benefit from having this information? If so please share this with your family and friends so they can discover how to handle long-distance relationships.
Have any questions? You can contact me through our website or find me on Instagram or Facebook. You may also reach out to us and inquire about online therapy and life coaching. Growing Self is also on Instagram and Facebook.
Wishing you all the best,
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Long Distance Relationship Questions
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Free, Expert Advice — For You.
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Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby is a licensed psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, board-certified coach, AAMFT clinical supervisor, host of the Love, Happiness, and Success Podcast and founder of Growing Self.
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