Relationship Coaching

Love Your Relationship

What Does a Relationship Coach Do?

Relationship coaching is different from traditional forms of marriage counseling and couples therapy. It’s much more than “just talking;” It’s action-oriented and designed to create real results that improve your daily interactions, strengthen your bond, and change your way of relating to each other for the better.

When you choose relationship coaching at Growing Self, you’ll get the best of both worlds: the expert guidance of a marriage counselor, with the motivation, accountability, and strategic support of a coach.

Read on to learn more about the problems a relationship coach can help you solve, and then book your free consultation.

A smiling couple touches foreheads and embraces.

Relationship Coaching for:

Healthy Communication

Communication issues are the downfall of many couples. Working on your communication skills is the most important thing you can do to strengthen your relationship.

A great relationship coach teaches you to enhance your listening skills, and improve communication, so you can protect your relationship in times of stress. Through this work, you’ll both feel validated, and better able to solve issues productively.

couple cooking together

Relationship Coaching For:

Love and Respect

You both deserve to feel loved and respected.

Your relationship coach will help you both identify your love languages and relationship needs and learn how to show love and respect in the ways that are most meaningful to each other.

Practicing this kind of generous love every day helps you grow into supportive and unconditionally loving friends, lovers, and partners.

Couple lying on bed together with legs up the wall.

Relationship Coaching For:

Emotional & Sexual Intimacy

An expert relationship coach will help you both dive deep to understand each other on a core, vulnerable level. You’ll learn to build emotional intimacy through evidence-based strategies focused on strong attachment and positive action.

Your strong foundation of authenticity, understanding, and generosity helps you improve your sexual intimacy, as well as your emotional connection.

Family of a man, woman, toddler and baby lying in bed while father holds son and mother holds up baby.

Relationship Coaching For:

A Bright, Shared Future

Every long-term couple has challenges. What matters is how you use them to continue growing together.

Your relationship coach will help you hear and understand each other in a new way, explore your expectations, and set long-term goals that honor your most important hopes, dreams, and values.

This is the work that paves the way to a bright, shared future.

Is a Relationship Coach the Same as a Therapist?

Here’s a dirty secret about relationship coaching: There is zero education or training required to call yourself a relationship coach. Unlike becoming a therapist, being a coach requires no specific degree or licensure. That means it’s very important to choose a coach who is actually qualified to help your relationship.

Growing Self is a collective of world-class marriage and family therapists with advanced degrees in couples and family therapy and years of experience in evidence-based approaches to helping couples flourish and thrive. Our relationship coaches provide empowering, positive, action-oriented coaching, as well as couples therapy and marriage counseling. Learn more about Growing Self, and our team of relationship experts.

Love Your Relationship

You can have a fun, easy, fulfilling, and vibrant partnership
that brings out the best in both of you.

That’s what working with a world-class
relationship coach can do.

What Problems Does a Relationship Coach Solve?

Lesbian couple holding hands on beach at sunset.

1. Creating Clarity & Confidence

The best relationships are designed with thought and intention.

Your relationship coach will begin by conducting an assessment to reveal your relationship’s strengths, as well as its growth opportunities. You’ll get a fresh perspective and a plan of action to build the strong relationship you both want.

Couple in bed together.

2. Nurturing Your Growth

Happy couples aren’t just lucky. They’re skilled.

Your relationship coach will help you build your relationship skills, improve communication, manage conflict, and show each other love and respect. Relationship coaching helps you grow as individuals, and as a couple.

Couple washing dishes together.

3. Turning Insight Into Action

Effective relationship coaching is about overcoming challenges — not just talking about them.

Your relationship coach will take a structured approach to turn your relationship goals into your relationship reality. You’ll get assignments, motivation, and accountability that move you forward, together.

Couple reading a book to their child.

4. Building a Powerhouse Partnership

When you work as a team, you can take on the world together.

An expert relationship coach uses effective strategies to help you negotiate
finances, parenting, housework, and more. You can create a balanced, powerhouse partnership that you both love.

Meet a Few of Our Expert Relationship Coaches

See What Our Clients are Saying