Feeling Invalidated By Your Partner?
Takeaways: Emotional invalidation can be the root cause of so many relationship issues, from feeling distant and disconnected, to arguing all the time. And most of us don’t even realize when we’re invalidating our partners! Learning to validate each other’s feelings — even when they don’t “make sense” — helps you both feel more accepted, understood, and loved within your relationship.
- What Is Emotional Invalidation?
- Types of Emotional Invalidation
- Why Validation Matters in Relationships
- How to Practice Validating Your Partner’s Feelings
Hi there. Are you reading this “advice from a couples counselor” article because your partner just forwarded it to you, as a way of attempting to communicate that you invalidate feelings and that they would like this to change? First of all, sorry, but second of all… never fear. I’m the couples therapist in your corner. This one is going to boomerang nicely, and wind up working out in your favor. Promise.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret that your partner — possibly not having read this article themselves before impulsively texting it to you on the headline alone — might not know yet: We all invalidate our partners accidentally. I’ll bet you a cookie that you probably feel invalidated by them from time to time too. Am I right? Yes? Welcome to relationships.
Emotional Invalidation
How do I know that you’re feeling invalidated sometimes too? First of all, I’ve been a marriage counselor and relationship coach for a long time. It is extremely rare to find a couple where one person has *actually* been exclusively responsible for all the hurt feelings and conflict. (Except in the tiny percentage of couples counseling cases that I could count on one hand where the hurt-inducing partner has actually been a diagnosable sociopath and/or narcissist. But I will save that tale for another day).
Secondly, I’ve also been married for a long time to someone I adore and would never want to hurt on purpose. And I’m a marriage counselor! I should know better! And To. This. day. I still do things that accidentally invalidate my husband and make him feel bad. More than once have I had to apologize for making him feel like I don’t care, despite the fact that I love him very much.
But I’m working on it, and it’s better than it used to be. You can do the same. Here’s how:
Step One: Let’s Define “Invalidate”
First of all, let’s talk a little about what “invalidation” means. When you invalidate someone, you basically make them feel like you a) don’t understand them or their feelings or b) if you do understand, you don’t care. The impact of this original invalidation will then generally make your partner swing one of two ways, towards either hostility or withdrawal and emotional shut down. Neither of those are good!
In order to not invalidate feelings anymore you need to be self-aware of when it’s happening, and what you’re doing to cause it. This is the hard part, because almost nobody is intentionally trying to make their partner feel diminished or unimportant when it happens. If you called an invalidating person on it in the moment, they usually get really defensive and start sputtering about how “that’s not what I meant” and protesting that their intentions were good.
Again, except in the case of narcissists (see link above) this is true. Invalidation is generally unintentional. So, no need to beat yourself up if you’ve been unintentionally hurting someone you love. But you do need to take responsibility for how our actions impact others. We all do.
It’s also possible that you’re invalidating yourself, as many of us do. If you ever find yourself asking, “Are my feelings valid, or am I overreacting?” then you may struggle to validate your own feelings, which can make it more difficult for you to validate your partner’s emotions.
So let’s get familiar with what invalidation actually looks like so that you can become more self aware. Emotional invalidation comes in many flavors, and can happen in both subtle and dramatic ways.
Let’s review.
Types of Emotional Invalidation
Now, take a deep breath and non-defensively read through the following descriptions of “emotional invalidators” and see if you can spot yourself. See if you can spot the invalidating behaviors your partner uses. (They are in there, I’m sure). But again, the hard part is recognizing your own. Bonus points if you can think of other ways you might be invalidating sometimes that I haven’t put down here. The possibilities are limitless!
But here are some of the “usual suspects.”
Inattentive Invalidators: These types of invalidators don’t pay attention when their partner is talking about something important. (C’est moi! I totally do this.)
Example of Inattentive Invalidation in Action:
Them: “I had a really hard day at work today. I think I might be getting sick.”
You (And by “you” I mean “me”): “I was just thinking that it would be fun to go to Canada this summer. Or Newfoundland. Newfoundland! What do you think?” [Picks up phone to start checking flight prices]
Belligerent Invalidators: Their M.O. is to rebuttal rather than listen, and put their energy into making their own case instead of seeing things from their partner’s perspective.
Example of Belligerent Invalidation in Action:
Them: “I feel like you were rude to my friend.”
You: “Your friend is an annoying idiot who drinks too much and if you want to avoid these problems you should stop inviting him over.”
Controlling invalidators: These types of invalidators are extremely confident that their way of doing things is right and just, and will either intervene or undo things that their partner does in efforts to correct, (i.e. “help”) them. This happens in many situations including parenting, housekeeping, social situations, and more.
Example of Controlling Invalidation in Action:
Them: “No, Timmy, you can’t go out to play because you have to take a shower and clean your room.”
You: “You need exercise Timmy. Be back before dinner.”
Judgmental Invalidators: These types of invalidators minimize the importance of things that they do not personally feel are interesting or important to them, in a way that creates disconnection in their relationships.
Example of Judgmental Invalidation in Action:
Them: “What should we do this weekend? So many fun things! Do you want to go to the farmer’s market / prepper expo / rv show / rodeo?”
You: “Pfft. NO. That is so boring, why would anyone want to do that. Personally, I’m busy anyway. I have to spend the weekend finishing my Fortnite challenges. Wanna watch? No? Okay see you later.”
Emotional Invalidators: Then of course there is the stereotypical, garden-variety Emotional Invalidator, who feels entitled to “disagree” with other people’s feelings, or argue that other’s feelings are not reasonable, or to talk them out of their feelings.
Example of Emotional Invalidation in Action:
Them: “Crying”
You: “You shouldn’t be sad. At least we have one healthy child already….”
You some more: “….That’s not what I meant. We can try again next month. The doctor said that this could happen the first time….”
If this conversation sounds even remotely familiar… I’m glad we’re here right now!
Fixit Invalidators: Then, there is the “Fixit” Invalidator, who would prefer to leap over messy feelings entirely and go straight to helpful solutions — having zero idea they are making things infinitely worse by doing so.
Example of Fixit invalidation in Action:
Them: “I am heartbroken about my argument with my sister. I feel really bad about what happened.”
You: “She’s just a drama queen. Forget about it. You should make plans with some of your other friends. I’ll see if Jenny and Phil want to come over on Friday.”
Does this sound like something you might say?
Owner of the Truth Invalidators: Lastly, there are the reflexive “that’s not what happened” invalidators who pride themselves on being rational and who sincerely believe that their subjective experience is the yardstick of all others. If it didn’t happen to them, it is not a thing. A kissing-cousin of codependency, this type of invalidator will often follow up their original invalidation by explaining to you how you, actually, are the one with the problem.
Example of a Truth Owner in Action:
Them: “I am feeling really invalidated by you right now.”
You: “I am not invalidating you. You were just telling me that your day was hard and you’re feeling overwhelmed, and I know for a fact that you shouldn’t be feeling that way because it wasn’t that bad. You just need to get more organized. You’re overreacting.”
Good times, right? Yes, there are so, so many ways to invalidate someone. This is just a small sample of the many ways, shapes and forms emotional invalidation shows up in relationships. There are many more. Not sure what kind of invalidator you might be? Ask your partner. I’m sure they’d be happy to tell you.
Next, now that we’ve “cultivated self awareness,” as we say in the shrink-biz, we’re going to talk about how to stop doing that, and start helping your partner feel validated instead.
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Step Two: Understand The Importance of Validation
While the first step in learning how to stop accidentally invalidating your partner is to figure out what kinds of invalidation you are prone to, the second step is to learn what it means to be validating and why it’s so important.
What is “Validation” Anyway?
So: What is “validation?” To validate someone means that you help them feel understood, accepted, and cared for by you. It requires empathy. Empathy is happening when you really get how they see things, and that you support them in their perspective — even if you do not share their perspective.
Because empathy is such a foundational skill in so many areas of Love, Happiness and Success, the development of empathy is often a big part of what is happening in emotional intelligence coaching, personal growth work, as well as marriage counseling. Empathy requires intention, but it’s incredibly powerful when you start really getting it.
This is super important in relationships because validation is a cornerstone of emotional safety. And emotional safety — feeling like you are accepted and valued for who you are, like your thoughts, feelings, and preferences are important to your partner, and that your relationship is loving and supportive — is the foundation of a happy, healthy relationship.
Just consider how wonderful it feels to hear these words, “I can understand why you would feel that way.” No matter what’s going on, when you hear that it feels like you’re accepted by the person you’re with and that it’s okay for you to feel the way you feel. That right there is the strong foundation from which you can then find your own way forward. (And in your own time).
Also, if we were to dissect pretty much any basic argument that a couple can have, 98% of the time, arguments start with one person feeling invalidated by the other. When anyone feels invalidated the natural response is to then escalate their efforts to be understood. Which can sound like yelling. Then if the invalidator doubles down on defending their invalidating behaviors in response, it can get pretty ugly pretty quick. As I’m sure you know. Incidentally, if you have been feeling like your partner is emotionally reactive and unnecessarily hostile towards you, it can actually be an important clue that you’ve been making them feel invalidated without realizing it. (Read, “Twelve Effective Ways to Destroy Your Relationship” for more on this and other common relationship mistakes).
So if you work towards being more validating you will not just stop pretty much any argument in its tracks but your partner will feel emotionally safe and accepted by you, and you will have a much stronger, happier relationship. Win, win, win.
Step Three: Validate Feelings Intentionally, Through Practice
The real problem with changing your (our) tendency to be accidentally invalidating is that it can be really hard to wrap your (our) brains around the fact that we really are hurting the people we love without meaning to.
In none of the examples of “types of invalidators” was I describing anyone who was trying to be hurtful. They were just failing to understand their partner’s perspective or needs or feelings, and prioritizing their own instead.
Human beings are generally self-focused, unless they put purposeful effort into being other-focused. Sad but true.
The good news is that it’s not hard to be more other-focused if you decide that it’s important enough to make it a priority. It just takes intention and practice, and a genuine desire to want your partner to feel more cared for by you.
Here’s what my perspective of me being invalidating (and then trying to practice validation) looks like at my house:
My husband is telling me something but I’m not really connecting with what he is saying. He’s talking about his day at work, and how he’s not feeling great. And now he’s going on and on about this guy he works with who’s super annoying, and incompetent, and how he’s thinking about taking the day off tomorrow to go take photos and how he might drive out towards the mountains, and now he’s talking about this new video game that he started playing with our son, and how there are these avatars that build sawmills and jump over sharks and there are dances (or something) and …
….I’ve now officially zoned out, and am now following the spark of ideas that whatever he just said to me has just ignited into being, through the chambers of my own mind. Day off… Mountains…. Nature documentary…. Camera lenses…. Majestic landscape photos…. I want to go somewhere beautiful… Catherine said good things about Quebec…. He’s still talking but I’m now having an entirely internal experience. I know he’s still there, but it’s the muffled, “Wa-wa-wa” like the adult in the old Charlie Brown cartoons. I am now entirely absorbed by my own thoughts rather than what he is saying, but not on purpose.
Sometimes he can tell when I’m not there anymore, but most of the time neither of us realize what is happening until I say something apparently out of the blue, like “I was just thinking that it would be fun to go to Canada this summer. Or Newfoundland. What do you think?” [Picks up phone to start researching flight prices]. Then I look up from my phone to see his shoulders slump a little and this look cross his face like, “Do you even care about what I’m saying?” Only then do I realize that what he was talking about felt important to him, and I made him feel bad. He’s annoyed. He should be.
Because in that moment, my lack of attention left him feeling invalidated in our conversation. He was left feeling like he wasn’t important or interesting enough for me to pay attention to, or worse, like I just hijacked the conversation to talk about whatever I was thinking of instead of what he was bringing up. Which I totally did.
But like you, I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. It just happened because I wasn’t making him a priority in that moment, but indulging my own self-absorbed thoughts instead of really deliberately tracking what he was saying to me. (If you, too, have a tendency towards adult ADHD, I’m sure you can relate.)
In contrast, when I remind myself of my intention to be a good friend to him, to help him feel cared for and validated by me, it’s a totally different experience. I will myself to focus on what he is saying. I look in his eyes. When I feel my mind starting to slide towards something other than what he is talking about, I bring it back to him by very deliberately reflecting something I heard him say. I think about how he might be feeling and ask about that. Or I ask open-ended questions to help him say more about what is going on for him, but also as a strategy to keep myself engaged. In short, I am using communication skills and empathy to help him feel validated.
I try really hard to stay present, and stay on topic. Sometimes I am more successful than others, but I know he sees me trying. We know each other well enough now and we can even laugh about it, as we do when I glaze and he just stops talking and makes a face at me. Humor helps. So does managing your expectations that your partner can or should be perfectly perfect at validating your feelings all of the time.
But truthfully, if you want to stop making someone else feel invalidated it requires a certain level of courage and humility. It’s hard to think about, “What’s it like to live with me” and really allow yourself to understand, deeply, what you do and how it makes your partner feel. I think that embracing personal responsibility without being defensive is one of the hardest things to do in a marriage, and helping other people move into this receptive, honestly reflective space is often the hardest thing for me to do as a marriage counselor. That’s why I wanted to model this for you.
How to Validate Someone’s Feelings
Every flavor of invalidation has an antidote that’s a little different. Just as there are infinite ways to invalidate feelings, there are many strategies for how to validate someone’s feelings too. I could go into great detail about what the antidote for each involves, but then this would be an actual self-help book rather than a blog post. But, briefly, here are some pointers:
- Inattentive invalidators need to stay present and use mindfulness skills to focus and not drift away.
- Belligerent invalidators need to find compromises that honor their partner’s feelings, too.
- Controlling invalidators need to manage anxiety, and trust in the competence of others.
- Judgmental invalidators need to work on generosity and respect.
- Emotional invalidators need to work on empathy and emotional intelligence skills.
- Fixit Invalidators must make peace with the fact that all feelings are valuable, even dark ones. (Especially dark ones).
- Owner of Truth types can benefit from personal growth work that expands their own worldview, and relationship coaching that emphasizes listening skills.
What to Do When Someone Invalidates Your Feelings
If your partner or anyone else invalidates your feelings, remember that they are probably not doing it intentionally. Gently let them know that, even if they do not understand the way that you feel, your feelings are valid and you would like to share them. You can also let them know exactly what you need. You might say something like, “I need to be able to talk about how I’m feeling, but I don’t need you to fix anything or try to make me feel better. I just need you to listen and try to understand.”
If invalidation is a frequent issue in your relationship, it’s important that you get help from a good couples counselor. Chronic emotional invalidation is bad for you psychologically, and if left unchecked, it can destroy a relationship that’s otherwise loving. Look for a marriage and family therapist who practices evidence-based forms of couples counseling (not an individual therapist who also sees couples). I have more info for you about how to find a good marriage counselor here.
I hope that this discussion of how you may be accidentally invalidating your partner was helpful to you, or what to do when your partner invalidates you. You have the power to shift the emotional climate of your relationship, just by making your partner’s feelings and perspective as important to you as your own. Not easy to do. It requires emotional strength, the ability to be honest with yourself, and the willingness to grow in service of your relationship. But it is so worth it.
Now, please send this post back to your partner so they can think about what THEY need to be working on in order to help you feel more heard, valued, and understood by them.
And, if you would like my support in learning to communicate with each other in new ways, I invite you to schedule a free consultation.
All the best,
P.S. If you enjoyed this podcast there is so much more for you. Visit our “Growing Together” collection for more free articles and advice to help you improve your communication, and get the love and respect you both want and deserve. xo, LMB
Kuo JR, Fitzpatrick S, Ip J, Uliaszek A. The who and what of validation: an experimental examination of validation and invalidation of specific emotions and the moderating effect of emotion dysregulation. Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul. 2022 May 18;9(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s40479-022-00185-x. PMID: 35581663; PMCID: PMC9116024.
Witkowski, Gregory, “The Effect of Emotionally Validating and Invalidating Responses on Emotional Self-Efficacy” (2017). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 3646.
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Feeling Invalidated By Your Partner?
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Music Credits: “Dive,” by Beach House, from their album “7”
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Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby is a licensed psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, board-certified coach, AAMFT clinical supervisor, host of the Love, Happiness, and Success Podcast and founder of Growing Self.
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I’m really loving your articles and they’re helping so much. Thank you!!!
I’m glad that they are helpful to you William. Thank you for being part of our community here at Growing Self! 🙂
This is excellent advice… as usual. I agree completely with the concept that invalidation is the trigger for 98% of arguments. In fact I could probably track that escalation by recognizing when we are invalidating each other.
I think you may have missed one: Non-responsiveness. When you reach out by any means possible to try to let someone know that something they have said or done—or not done— has hurt you and they don’t acknowledge—at all.
Excellent point. I think that “non responsiveness” is so important it might deserve a post of its own! Thank you for suggesting it. LMB
Or how bout when you reach out to a partner with something emotionally upsetting for you (not even about them) and they mock you
Ohh. Good one Gwen. You are right, that would be totally invalidating.
What about when your partner has cheated, lied, etc; and now every conversation is about “their feelings”and your lack of care?? How can either party be equally validated when one still believes they’re needs if emotional retention hasn’t been met?
You are absolutely correct Jamie. You are highly unlikely to get validation, much less any of your other legitimate emotional needs, from a person who is lacking in empathy, feels only self-pity when they’ve harmed others, and who is singularly self-focused. You can’t get blood from a stone and you can’t get love from a narcissist.
To be clear, having not met your partner I have no idea whether they’re a narcissist or not… but do you? You deserve to know, so that you can make healthy decisions for yourself one way or another. You might consider checking out a recent podcast, “When To Call it Quits in a Relationship” that outlines ways to know whether or not growth and change is possible, and how to know when it’s not.
If you determine that this is not going to change (as evidenced by his continued inability to take responsibility, not blame you, and lack of empathy for your needs, rights and feelings), it’s time to stop being mad at him for consistently not being different, and instead, accept the reality that he is who and what he is.
If, in the cold light of day, what this has to offer is not in alignment with what you need and deserve (like, you know, fidelity, honesty, commitment and emotional safety, to name just a few) then you’ll be free to put your time and energy into finding someone who is able to show you the love, respect, empathy and yes, validation you have every right to expect.
Wishing you all the best Jamie….
xoxo, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
This article really hit home for me. I’ve been guilty of almost all of these invalidations at one time or another. I did these because I was emotionally detached person who heard my partner but went straight for a logical fix to the request to be heard without acknowledging the feelings. I will try to do better now that I know.
My boyfriend is all of these types in one. I know that might sound like a nightmare but we’ve been together for four years and he’s a amazing man and partner. Still this is absolutely our number one issue.
Zelda, you d“How Healthy is Your Relationship” online quiz.scribe so many strengths in your relationship and I think it says so much that you are still so in love with and committed to him, despite his difficulty in helping you feel understood.
In my experience, relationships can sustain only so much invalidation or rejection before, over time, it starts to become a thing. I would recommend that you do everything in your power to have this be a “growth moment” for both of you, instead of allowing resentments to build and ultimately create a situation that might not be sustainable for you long-term. I hope that if your partner has the opportunity to learn a couple of new relationship skills, this might start to feel very different for you!
I wonder if he’d be open to reading this article? Or even better, see if you can get him to take our “How Healthy is Your Relationship” online quiz. (You can take it first and then request that he be emailed an invitation). After the quiz you’ll both have access to a bunch of free videos I made that discuss all the different dimensions of a healthy relationship and I talk A LOT about emotional safety, good communication, the importance of feeling loved and respected.
My husband is also many of these types. We have been married 33 years, and over the years I have repeatedly brought to his attention things he does that invalidate my feelings. I guess I thought that by making him aware that his actions (or lack of them) was hurtful, that he might be motivated to try harder to be aware of other peoples’ feelings. After all, who wants to deliberate hurt their partner? If I’m aware that something I do annoys or hurts another person, I make a conscious effort to stop doing that. But he truly cannot seem to see anyone else’s point of view and nothing changes. He does not see a problem. Your article is spot on, but what does a person do when their supposed “partner” does not admit that there is a problem? I think I’m just done with him; I don’t know what else to do.
Hello, thanks for this article. I feel often invalidated by my partner and I’m sure he’s not intentionally doing it, but he does, even if I try to explain him how I feel.
Could you suggest any book that could help him to understand what invalidation is and how to improve himself and our relationship?
This was an excellent read, I’ve been trying to find a way to express to my husband how something’s he says invalidates how I feel and you explained this so clear cut, I just have to say thank you. I also didn’t some self reflecting and realized I would provide him with some invalidation as well, but I truly hope he reads this and understands or gains some perspective on how he makes me feel or what I see and think when he does it.
Really enjoyed this blog article.Really thank you! Want more.
I don’t really get the judgemental example. It doesn’t seem to fit. How is the fortnite example a judging one?
Hi Bill! This would be an example of someone rejecting their partner’s bid for connection / invitation to go do something because they think that it the activities being suggested are boring / lame / not interesting compared to what they want to do (play fortnite). But I appreciate your saying that this intention may not have come across — I’ll take another look at the copy!
What if your partner says you’re “emotionally invalidating” them when you don’t do what they want? If she says “you’re spending too much time at work, take this afternoon off”, then you say “sorry I’ve got a vitally important meeting this afternoon” and she says you’re invalidating her?
There’s a distinction in theory between validating someone and agreeing with them (or agreeing to do what they want) but in practice in relationships they’re often conflated. How do you make someone feel validated while saying no to them? That isn’t easy.
Oliver, you bring up such a good point and I totally agree. Validating someone’s feelings is absolutely not the same thing as doing whatever they want you to do. I think I’m hearing that your partner is seeking to know that you care about her, and that you understand her feelings, and that her feelings and preferences are important to you. If you’re communicating that to her with your words and deeds most of the time, and yet she’s still getting really upset with you when you have to set boundaries with her and ask for her to understand YOUR needs, rights and feelings, this is indicating that there might be a deeper issue going on here.
Have you tried talking with her about how you feel? If that feels hard to do (or if your attempts at communication elicit upsetness in her and disintegrate into an unproductive conflict) that could be a sign that you’d both benefit from connecting with a good relationship coach or relationship counselor who can help you get to the bottom of what’s going on here.
I am completely speculating here given that I know nothing about you, your partner, or your relationship, and from my experience, it may be that she needs some assistance in managing her anxiety and seeing things from your perspective. You might also have opportunities to learn communication strategies that help her feel loved and cared for by you even when you have to set limits with her.
But you deserve to be validated and respected in this relationship too Oliver — a healthy relationship cannot be all one-way!
Wishing you all the best,
Dr. Lisa
Dr. Lisa,
One of the hardest challenges that come from accidentally invalidating my partner, is that he has told me I deserve to hurt and face consequences because I clearly meant to cause harm. I’ve been reduced to the point of breaking over cooking pizza at 400 degrees like the recipe says rather than 450 like he says in passing by while I cook, because I’m acting like a child that doesn’t want to listen to his advice. Doing or saying the wrong thing can at worst cost weeks of the silent treatment, or at best ridicule.
It’s been difficult to talk about my own needs and boundaries. It’s difficult to get a word in, actually. Most of the things that I think or do or feel have been directly invalidated.
I found Growing Self one day when I was feeling small and my therapist was telling me to use “I” statements (which despite her reassurance and reading through what I wrote out to say ended very badly). Your podcast of the name “Sorry’s Not Good Enough: How To Repair Trust in Your Relationship” got me out of some hard times, and out of some expensive therapy that seemed to be taking me several steps backward in conflict resolution.
I’ve always journaled, and some of your articles and podcasts have done quite a bit to progress me on my self-help journey. Thank you, Dr. Lisa, for all of your good work, it means a lot to me. I hope working on my own end of things in the relationship can do some good, and if nothing else I like me so I’ll always have that.
Wow. This was incredibly on point. What an excellent article, thank you!
Thank you! I’m so glad to know this was helpful to you Jes. Thanks for stopping by! — LMB
Amber, I’m so glad to know that these ideas and the other resources you’ve found on GrowingSelf.com have been helpful to you. Have you subscribed to the podcast? I ask because we’re planning some new episodes around Boundaries in Relationships, Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships, and more. I think you would benefit from listening to them. Glad to be your partner in growth Amber, even if just from a distance! xo, Dr. Lisa
I’m really loving your articles and they’re helping so much. Thank you!!!
I’m glad that they are helpful to you William. Thank you for being part of our community here at Growing Self! 🙂
This is excellent advice… as usual. I agree completely with the concept that invalidation is the trigger for 98% of arguments. In fact I could probably track that escalation by recognizing when we are invalidating each other.
I think you may have missed one: Non-responsiveness. When you reach out by any means possible to try to let someone know that something they have said or done—or not done— has hurt you and they don’t acknowledge—at all.
Excellent point. I think that “non responsiveness” is so important it might deserve a post of its own! Thank you for suggesting it. LMB
Or how bout when you reach out to a partner with something emotionally upsetting for you (not even about them) and they mock you
This article really hit home for me. I’ve been guilty of almost all of these invalidations at one time or another. I did these because I was emotionally detached person who heard my partner but went straight for a logical fix to the request to be heard without acknowledging the feelings. I will try to do better now that I know.
Ohh. Good one Gwen. You are right, that would be totally invalidating.
My boyfriend is all of these types in one. I know that might sound like a nightmare but we’ve been together for four years and he’s a amazing man and partner. Still this is absolutely our number one issue.
Zelda, you d“How Healthy is Your Relationship” online quiz.scribe so many strengths in your relationship and I think it says so much that you are still so in love with and committed to him, despite his difficulty in helping you feel understood.
In my experience, relationships can sustain only so much invalidation or rejection before, over time, it starts to become a thing. I would recommend that you do everything in your power to have this be a “growth moment” for both of you, instead of allowing resentments to build and ultimately create a situation that might not be sustainable for you long-term. I hope that if your partner has the opportunity to learn a couple of new relationship skills, this might start to feel very different for you!
I wonder if he’d be open to reading this article? Or even better, see if you can get him to take our “How Healthy is Your Relationship” online quiz. (You can take it first and then request that he be emailed an invitation). After the quiz you’ll both have access to a bunch of free videos I made that discuss all the different dimensions of a healthy relationship and I talk A LOT about emotional safety, good communication, the importance of feeling loved and respected.
My husband is also many of these types. We have been married 33 years, and over the years I have repeatedly brought to his attention things he does that invalidate my feelings. I guess I thought that by making him aware that his actions (or lack of them) was hurtful, that he might be motivated to try harder to be aware of other peoples’ feelings. After all, who wants to deliberate hurt their partner? If I’m aware that something I do annoys or hurts another person, I make a conscious effort to stop doing that. But he truly cannot seem to see anyone else’s point of view and nothing changes. He does not see a problem. Your article is spot on, but what does a person do when their supposed “partner” does not admit that there is a problem? I think I’m just done with him; I don’t know what else to do.
Hello, thanks for this article. I feel often invalidated by my partner and I’m sure he’s not intentionally doing it, but he does, even if I try to explain him how I feel.
Could you suggest any book that could help him to understand what invalidation is and how to improve himself and our relationship?
This was an excellent read, I’ve been trying to find a way to express to my husband how something’s he says invalidates how I feel and you explained this so clear cut, I just have to say thank you. I also didn’t some self reflecting and realized I would provide him with some invalidation as well, but I truly hope he reads this and understands or gains some perspective on how he makes me feel or what I see and think when he does it.
Really enjoyed this blog article.Really thank you! Want more.
I don’t really get the judgemental example. It doesn’t seem to fit. How is the fortnite example a judging one?
Hi Bill! This would be an example of someone rejecting their partner’s bid for connection / invitation to go do something because they think that it the activities being suggested are boring / lame / not interesting compared to what they want to do (play fortnite). But I appreciate your saying that this intention may not have come across — I’ll take another look at the copy!
What about when your partner has cheated, lied, etc; and now every conversation is about “their feelings”and your lack of care?? How can either party be equally validated when one still believes they’re needs if emotional retention hasn’t been met?
You are absolutely correct Jamie. You are highly unlikely to get validation, much less any of your other legitimate emotional needs, from a person who is lacking in empathy, feels only self-pity when they’ve harmed others, and who is singularly self-focused. You can’t get blood from a stone and you can’t get love from a narcissist.
To be clear, having not met your partner I have no idea whether they’re a narcissist or not… but do you? You deserve to know, so that you can make healthy decisions for yourself one way or another. You might consider checking out a recent podcast, “When To Call it Quits in a Relationship” that outlines ways to know whether or not growth and change is possible, and how to know when it’s not.
If you determine that this is not going to change (as evidenced by his continued inability to take responsibility, not blame you, and lack of empathy for your needs, rights and feelings), it’s time to stop being mad at him for consistently not being different, and instead, accept the reality that he is who and what he is.
If, in the cold light of day, what this has to offer is not in alignment with what you need and deserve (like, you know, fidelity, honesty, commitment and emotional safety, to name just a few) then you’ll be free to put your time and energy into finding someone who is able to show you the love, respect, empathy and yes, validation you have every right to expect.
Wishing you all the best Jamie….
xoxo, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
What if your partner says you’re “emotionally invalidating” them when you don’t do what they want? If she says “you’re spending too much time at work, take this afternoon off”, then you say “sorry I’ve got a vitally important meeting this afternoon” and she says you’re invalidating her?
There’s a distinction in theory between validating someone and agreeing with them (or agreeing to do what they want) but in practice in relationships they’re often conflated. How do you make someone feel validated while saying no to them? That isn’t easy.
Oliver, you bring up such a good point and I totally agree. Validating someone’s feelings is absolutely not the same thing as doing whatever they want you to do. I think I’m hearing that your partner is seeking to know that you care about her, and that you understand her feelings, and that her feelings and preferences are important to you. If you’re communicating that to her with your words and deeds most of the time, and yet she’s still getting really upset with you when you have to set boundaries with her and ask for her to understand YOUR needs, rights and feelings, this is indicating that there might be a deeper issue going on here.
Have you tried talking with her about how you feel? If that feels hard to do (or if your attempts at communication elicit upsetness in her and disintegrate into an unproductive conflict) that could be a sign that you’d both benefit from connecting with a good relationship coach or relationship counselor who can help you get to the bottom of what’s going on here.
I am completely speculating here given that I know nothing about you, your partner, or your relationship, and from my experience, it may be that she needs some assistance in managing her anxiety and seeing things from your perspective. You might also have opportunities to learn communication strategies that help her feel loved and cared for by you even when you have to set limits with her.
But you deserve to be validated and respected in this relationship too Oliver — a healthy relationship cannot be all one-way!
Wishing you all the best,
Dr. Lisa
Dr. Lisa,
One of the hardest challenges that come from accidentally invalidating my partner, is that he has told me I deserve to hurt and face consequences because I clearly meant to cause harm. I’ve been reduced to the point of breaking over cooking pizza at 400 degrees like the recipe says rather than 450 like he says in passing by while I cook, because I’m acting like a child that doesn’t want to listen to his advice. Doing or saying the wrong thing can at worst cost weeks of the silent treatment, or at best ridicule.
It’s been difficult to talk about my own needs and boundaries. It’s difficult to get a word in, actually. Most of the things that I think or do or feel have been directly invalidated.
I found Growing Self one day when I was feeling small and my therapist was telling me to use “I” statements (which despite her reassurance and reading through what I wrote out to say ended very badly). Your podcast of the name “Sorry’s Not Good Enough: How To Repair Trust in Your Relationship” got me out of some hard times, and out of some expensive therapy that seemed to be taking me several steps backward in conflict resolution.
I’ve always journaled, and some of your articles and podcasts have done quite a bit to progress me on my self-help journey. Thank you, Dr. Lisa, for all of your good work, it means a lot to me. I hope working on my own end of things in the relationship can do some good, and if nothing else I like me so I’ll always have that.
Wow. This was incredibly on point. What an excellent article, thank you!
Thank you! I’m so glad to know this was helpful to you Jes. Thanks for stopping by! — LMB
Amber, I’m so glad to know that these ideas and the other resources you’ve found on GrowingSelf.com have been helpful to you. Have you subscribed to the podcast? I ask because we’re planning some new episodes around Boundaries in Relationships, Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships, and more. I think you would benefit from listening to them. Glad to be your partner in growth Amber, even if just from a distance! xo, Dr. Lisa
I just broke up with my partner for these reasons. We did therapy and tried to learn how to validate and acknowledge feelings. Lately I felt that every time I talked to him about my feelings, he’d
A) argue with me about my feelings
B) feel upset my my feelings and therefore not validate my feelings because he had feelings as that needed to be validated as well and some how mine got buried.
C) focus on something I said and only that one thing and ignore everything else I said that pointed to the big picture of my feelings. He’d argue the logic of my statements and why that didn’t match my feelings or why what I said triggered him.
D) He’d just say sorry you feel that way and say that was validation (or id have to explain until I was blue I’m the face because he couldn’t understand my feelings)
He had the most trouble when he felt that validation meant admitting blame. I tried to explain to him that it didn’t meant that, it meant expressing and understanding of the other person’s perspective.
I finally just couldn’t handle the anxiety and guilt. I felt that I couldn’t share my feelings for fear it would upset him. It often took a lot of explanation to get him to understand them and then he would be okay, but it was torture for me.
He’s still a really great person and he only wants the best for the world and me, but our feelings just triggered more feelings and we could never sort them out.
Does validation sometime mean having to put your own feelings aside for the moment (I’d the problem has to do with something that happened between each other)?
Thanks for this . It’s really opened my eyes .
Me and my partner often spiral into a place where one of us disconnects and the other responds by withdrawal . Which leads to sulking and lack of understanding both ends. At this point we both feel the other should make the moves to fix. I came here to understand why he withdraws and how I can act which doesn’t cause me to seem like I’m sulking . What I’ve realised Is we are both totally invalidating each other’s feelings and both feeling and reacting to that .
I’ve got another one- an explain it/rationalize invalidator.
They: “my friend was mean to me at lunch”.
Me: “isn’t it possible it’s because they had a bad morning?”
This one is hard for me. I mean, what there is a really good rationale explanation about “yeah because you were a total jerk to them last week”
That’s a good one! I have to watch myself or it’s easy for me to do that too. I need to remind myself about the big picture of the conversation and what my role is in it: to support my friend and strengthen my relationship with them, not offer advice or perspective that they didn’t ask for. (Especially if it might make them feel judged or invalidated).
Emotional safety helps you be there and ask questions like, “Oh no, what’s going on there? Did something happen between the two of you at lunch or is there more to the story?” That just opens the door for a deeper conversation, and may also give your friend a chance to reflect on the larger context, and potentially their role in it.
But it’s also okay if they don’t — you’re their friend, not their therapist. 😉 (I have to remind myself of that too, when not “on duty!) wishing you all the best, and thanks for your thoughtful comment. LMB
Thank you so much for sharing. I’m sorry you went through all this. Unfortunately, the biggest “silent killer” of relationships is exactly this: feeling invalidated and also disconnected, and like you can’t be authentic.
Your question is a big one, about how to find the balance of being emotionally safe while still emotionally connected. You’re describing trying to get your emotional needs met by someone who experienced validating you as feeling really threatening. You’re saying that you had to hide your true self to maintain stability in the relationship, and that never ends well either.
So in there cases there is not an “advice” kind of answer to improve this. The path forward is to work really hard in therapy or coaching, assuming that there is motivation to take responsibility for the way of being that your partner is feeling so hurt by, and do some serious reflection on where that came from and what needs to change, and why it feels so hard to do that. Not easy, and not fast.
It is also 100% acceptable to not want to do that level of growth work with someone you don’t fully trust, or who you don’t believe has the capacity to go there. That allows you to be available for a new relationship with someone less fragile, who is able to connect with you emotionally without your having to fight so hard for it. You did that! I hope that you find that, and I also hope that your Ex takes all this on board and invests in some personal growth with that would allow him to be a better partner next time.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, and your great question. LMB
How about time-frame invalidation? “That happened so long ago, why are you letting it bother you?” “We talked about that last week, you should be over it by now.” “You shouldn’t still be hung up over things from your childhood.”
“That is in the past, let it go.”
I have been invalidated when my feelings are discounted because the event that upset me is not currently happening.
This is by far the best article I’ve read on validation in relationships. I’m always looking for info to send to my other half when he (once again) invalidates me and we (once again) fall out. It only adds to the hurt and shutting down of emotions, when they refuse to address the issue despite you raising it multiple times! The last time I tried to discuss it, I was met with “oh here we go, the effing validation conversation again… it’s so boring”. I mean where does one go with that?! It’s like banging your head against a brick wall.
This article is my last hope I think, as I can’t waste anymore years of my life feeling so dismissed and so closed off to the person I live with. It’s like a form of torture to live without validation for someone who is highly empathetic. 🙁
I’m so glad this was helpful to you. Consider listening to the companion podcast with him next time you’re in the car! It shares some of the same info, but also additional perspective, and hopefully in a light-ish way that will not elicit defensiveness. I do hope you two can continue working through this issue together. Emotional invalidation is truly the “silent killer” of relationships. Have you considered couples counseling? Wishing you both all the best. LMB
I am kinda going through this now. We had a situation the other night where we had a big fight and I went into the bathroom and started crying hysterically. A couple of days later, my fiance was mocking the way I cried. Later that day I told her it was hurtful when she mocked the way I cried and she responded with ” I don’t need more problems, please” and then accused me of also wanting to cause problems.
I am hoping we can start therapy together soon and resolve some of these issues, because I love her very much.
Thank you for the article.
I totally agree.
Just started a kind of relationship witj someone I already knew. Long story short…i had a Very stressful day at work (I’m an RN) and needed to vent, i spoke with him, I was upset but not loud, telling him how this and that..and how frustrated I was. When he suddenly started making “snoring” noises, as if to say he was so bored I was putting him to sleep. Well, we are still acquaintances
I did call him on it, I told him next time he ranted about his truck driving miles and isolated places he had to stay in, I too will fall asleep. And that was that.
I told him I was feeling insecure where his female friend.
This is a great article, doubt my wife will read it if I send it to her.
But it helps reflect on how I feel since I struggle with expressing my emotions and explaining how I feel.
I intuitively know it, but trying to explain it to others I just shut down.
With that said, it’s not about validating how I feel but quite frankly what you said. “Understanding”.
Freedom on the inside comes when validation from the outside no longer matters.
But by invalidating me you are basically saying you don’t care about me and that you don’t understand.
Emotional Invalidation can cause Self-Efficacy problems in the one being abused.
Extraordinary… I knew just enough about how I was feeling to type out the words “emotional invalidation” into Google. But I couldn’t imagine that a 1 hour podcast could explain my feelings to the depth that they have. Listening to this has given me strength and a deeper understanding about how to work forward in improving my relationship. It’s also helped me feel deeply emotionally validated, knowing that so many others have experienced it too.
Thank you so much.
Evan, thank you for your comment. I’m so glad to know that this was helpful for you. With gratitude, LMB
Agreed! It’s really all about feeling understood and accepted — that’s what helps us all truly feel cared for. Thanks for joining the conversation Rahseed. LMB
That’s a good point Ann. We all continue to feel bothered by things until we are able to create meaning and emotional closure for ourselves, and many times that requires having the opportunity to talk through it. When someone’s invalidating responses to us close the door and prevent us from feeling able to talk about things, our feelings persist. Being told to “get over it” essentially creates the very situation that prevents us from *actually* being able to get over it. So ironic, right? Thank you for sharing this important perspective Ann! xoxo, LMB
So my husband feels that when I tell him how I feel (which I admit can be accusatory a lot of the time) it’s invalidating his feelings that I shouldn’t feel that way because he did x,y,z. How do I go about validating his feelings while also getting my feelings validated? For example, I recently felt like I was not appreciated because I felt he wasn’t attentive during a phone call. I told him this and he believes that I shouldn’t feel that way because he does so many other things to show me I’m appreciated (which he does) and feels invalidated when I express to him that I don’t feel that way. How do we go about resolving each other’s feelings?
When I started into this read it was the star the key I see it that’s what it’s happening to me. By the time I got to the end of it I was doing a lot of apologizing and I mean it. I could have just ruined a 20-year relationship hopefully together we can restore it.
I love you , Denise.
Hannah, thanks for sharing your experience. This kind of “gridlock” you’re describing is exactly the type of thing that brings couples into marriage counseling or relationship coaching. When both people are feeling unheard and invalidated, as it sounds like you two are, it’s very difficult to get out of this negative loop without the support of a competent couples counselor who can help you stop the dynamic and shift back into a place of understanding.
I appreciate the fact that you’re looking for advice and your question “how do we go about resolving each other’s feelings” is valid. But the answer is not informational — it’s experiential. It will require a growth process that occurs over time. My advice to you is to get connected to a qualified couples counselor who can help you begin unpeeling this onion, and shift the cycle.
Note that I said “qualified” couples counselor – 95% of therapists who offer couples counseling do not have specialized training or experience in marriage and family and it makes a huge difference in outcomes. So please look for an MFT (marriage and family therapist) who uses evidence-based practices.
I will also add that with the support of a qualified, competent expert, the type of dynamic you’re describing is very resolvable and couples often come out the other side stronger and happier than ever before. But don’t mess around — without intervention this type of thing can also erode trust and goodwill to the point where it’s not fixable and I’d hate for that to happen to you two. These things are like a cancer diagnosis; early and swift action often makes the difference between happy vs tragic outcomes. Hope that advice helps you both find your way through this. LMB
Hello. This is the best source of information I have found in the topic of invalidation. Married 25 years and still trying to work on our marriage so that we both hear each other. But what if your partner exhibits narcissistic tendencies? When I withdraw or become silent after the invalidation or hurt he says I’m depressed and that the reason for all our problems. I love him but I can’t get through to him. I’m staying married because we have a daughter with mental issues and if we divorce I know she won’t handle it well. We have separated 3 times already. I have become anxious and lonely. Please talk about what people in my situation can do. You do amazing work. Thank you for helping people like this.
Hi Dr, my boyfriend tends to get very worked up when I’m upset by something and then disrupts me when I try to express myself. It makes it really hard for me to express myself to him. I find it hard to approach him about this and I do not want us getting into another argument just because I try and express how I feel. He has a very busy and stressful life and I’m worried if I bring up something it can add additional pressure to him. How do I approach him in the right way without getting into a fight?
By the 12 minute mark I had to pause because I was sobbing. Finally having my experience described so accurately felt like a relief. Every time I try to describe these feelings I come across as belligerent or attacking. Having this resource describe it so lovingly from both standpoints makes me feel like maybe hope doesn’t have to be lost. I look forward to listening to more!
Thank you
I love this I just left a relationship that the man was not able to respond to my emotional needs. I would love to learn more because I want to have an emotional intimate relationship with a man. I wish there was an actual group
That we could share.
Wow that was a great response. I was attached to hoping this man would change. It was the hoping I was stuck on rather than seeing the reality that what he had to offer did not meet my needs. Coming from
a family that feelings were not honored, it was a familiar pattern for me. That kept me feeling disappointed.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your perspective. It sounds like you’ve been doing a lot of work on yourself, and have been developing new insights into your patterns. That is fantastic, and I’m so glad to know that this post was a small stepping stone on your journey of growth. Yours sincerely, Dr. Lisa
Hi Nancy, it sounds like you’ve been doing some self-reflection. That’s wonderful. We do indeed have a Breakup Recovery Support Group, here about Breakup Recovery Support Group, if you’re interested in getting more information and support. ~ Dr. Lisa
Hello, this sounds very difficult. It can be not only frustrating, but incredibly hurtful to not be able to express yourself or find safe haven with your partner. In healthy relationships, we feel safe to be open and know we will find empathy and compassion in return. It’s very conscientious of you to consider how you might be contributing to your relationship dynamic. Too often, we skip this part! You may want to listen to “How to Have Difficult Conversations” or meet with a coach to practice some de-escalating communication tools. If you work on your side of the communication street and things don’t improve, know that it isn’t your fault and you have a right to set boundaries, be heard, and be spoken to with respect. You might find “Signs of a Healthy Relationship” and “Boundaries in Relationships” helpful, too. All the best, Dr. Lisa
Devin, I’m happy to know it was informative and validating! That’s my hope when I create these episodes. And you’re right, it’s not healthy for you to jump to conclusions (though I understand why you would). Sometimes our partner can invalidate us without even realizing what they’re doing. And, sometimes, it’s a symptom of a larger disconnect between us. A couples counselor can help shed light on this for both of you, support you in communicating differently, and help you finally get unstuck from this cycle – or get clarity on what can be done and where to go from here. Thank you for reaching out and sharing! Kindly, Lisa
Pattie, I’m glad it was helpful for you! Invalidation, blaming and labeling can happen in relationships, even ones without “narcissistic tendencies,” unfortunately. And they can kill a relationship, destroying our bond. They hurt. Of course you feel anxious and lonely. You might want to listen to this episode, “Married to a Narcissist?” The term narcissistic or narcissistic tendencies is used in a lot of loose ways these days; there’s the personality disorder and then there is a set of behaviors in which someone is abusive. On the other hand, any ordinary couple can get stuck in a toxic, demand/withdraw dynamic when Gottman’s four horsemen have been present for some time (criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling). Have you met with a couple’s counselor? He or she could help you identify exactly what you’re dealing with here, what could possibly be done to help, and if couples counseling is right for you. Warmly, Dr. Lisa
I’m a bit late to the party.
I definitely think I’m the same kind as you are, I put so much effort into being actively involved in his hobbies and interests at the beginning of our relationship, that he kind of took advantage of it. He has never taken any interest into my hobbies other than to mock them. “Uggg, I hate knitting.” So eventually I just gave up purposefully being enthusiastic about ANYTHING he talks to me about. I just kinda react the way I genuinely feel, interested, or not, but to him that seems like I’m purposefully withholding my elation.
I am curious what category you’d place him in though. The main symptoms of his invalidation are, 1) ignore me when I initially approach him. Like, I haven’t spoken. 2) when I get more annoyed and bluntly say something like, “you know it makes me anxious when you play a video game when we have to be somewhere and I have to get all of the kids ready by myself” His response is “I just got off the game, this is so typically you, you get mad after I do the right thing!” 3) he often reacts to my communication of my hurt feelings like I’m attacking him. I’ll say something like “It really offends me when you say/do things like that.” Typical retorts: “I didn’t say/do anything wrong.” “THAT’S not what I meant.” “You misunderstood what I said.” “That’s not offensive.” “You’re accusing me instead of taking responsibility for your own emotions.” “You lash out about relatively small things daily, so I can’t trust your feedback.”
Hi, I’m so sorry you are experiencing this with your partner. It sounds like there is a little bit of almost all of the types of invalidation mentioned in the episode in what you’re experiencing. We can sometimes have good intentions, such as helping our partner feel better, but inadvertently invalidate. And then there are times invalidation is part of a larger pattern and can become toxic. If we see invalidation in combination with John Gottman’s Four Horsemen of Communication (stonewalling, defensiveness…), or other toxic behaviors such as the silent treatment or punishment, we’re dealing with a relationship dynamic that can erode our connection and our self-esteem. Have you seen a couples counselor with your partner and gotten the insight and guidance of an expert? He or she could offer so much more than I can here, on a comment thread. I really encourage you to reach out and get that support and help gaining clarity around these patterns in your communication, whether with a couples or individual counselor. If you have questions or want to know more first, I hope you read some of our counseling FAQ‘s! Warmest regards, Dr. Lisa
How about if you respectfully express a need and the person says nothing and does not respond at all?
MJ, I’m sorry. The silent treatment, or stonewalling, is painful, and unacceptable. John Gottman describes stonewalling, which can take the form of not responding when your partner reaches out for you. If you’d like to know more about this, you might like this article on the Four Horsemen of Communication. I also encourage you to read more on couples counseling and therapy, for support. My warmest thoughts ~ Lisa
Thank you so much again Lisa for such an excellent podcast! I learnt so much about myself and that I invalidate my wife so much of the time, in those small micro moments as you call them. What you also though emphasise, which I found so helpful, is that most of the time I don’t do this intentionally, and often I’m even trying to help! But then this explains my defensive when she says I’m not listening, or that I’m being dismissive, because I felt as if I was trying to help!! Of course, I’m actually making things worse!! And then we have a row!! The other thing I’m starting to get too is that I’m so grateful she is assertive enough to say these things! I have said this to her a few times but I’m starting to understand more deeply that this characteristic of hers is SO important to our relationship. It can feel hard work for sure, but I can see that it is really worth the aggravation as it will open the possibility of us getting closer. There’s so much else I could say about the value of your podcast, about your humility, about the importance of being gentle and compassionate to yourself as well as to your partner, about how relationships can tragically die through many largely unintentional hurts or cuts, about how changing yourself is a process not a one off happening, and that this the only thing we have control over (because we can’t control other people) etc etc. Thank you so much for your great work.
Steve, thank you so much for sharing. xoxo, Lisa
Thank you for writing this blog. It helped me to really understand what invalidation looks like and the vastly different ways we invalidate others. I can see ways in which I have invalidated my husband and ways in which has invalidated me.
I’m interested in learning how to discern if the invalidation is intentional.
Here are a couple of examples —
Ex 1 – I was a SAHM for many years. At some point my husband just stopped helping with things like prepping for the cleaners or getting up early with the kids. In his words he “empathized with me for many years,” but at some point he turned his “empathy meter” off because he saw the reason I needed help was because I was taking on more than I could handle in other areas (ie working in the classroom), doing things that he didn’t think were necessary (ie taking my kids to birthday parties), focusing my effort on things he didn’t deem necessary (ie cleaning the toilet weekly). Bottom line is if I was spending my time doing things he saw as “optional,” he didn’t feel a need to support me. I don’t think his empathy meter was ever really at play. I see it more as some sort of silent intentional invalidation. But…. maybe it’s not invalidation either? He did recognize that I was overwhelmed but opted not to help when he thought the overwhelm was my own fault.
Another example w/ this same situation – when I ask him how he was okay just not helping me he will say “I didn’t think it was necessary to have the house cleaned” (which NEVER came up when the house was being cleaned) and if I say, but you helped me for a long time before stopping he will reply with “yea, but I never thought it was necessary, you did. I’m fine not to clean the toilet every week.”
Lastly, recently he’s taken to calling me controlling and telling me I’m abusive. This started after a day when I told him I thought he was emotionally abusive. He told our therapist, “I don’t want to be abusive, so I looked up what it meant to be abusive and I think she’s the actual abuser.” And now the focus has been on me instead of him. Hmmmm. Anyways, I’ve asked him to stop telling me I’m an abuser. When I hear him say that I’m an abuser I feel absolutely terrible and it has alot of weight to it. I’m open to changing but the things he references as abuse are things like the one time five years ago I yelled at him at a party to get our dogs – they were barking. I realized immediately how it came across and apologized but the damage was done. Bottom line is I’ve asked him not to call me an abuser so cavaleikrly and he refuses. He tells me I am controlling and I am abusive and he is NOT going to stop calling me that. Again, I’m not the controlling abuser one would think of – he has total freedom, I never tell him who to see or not see, what to do or when to do it, how to spend money, nothing…. I’m pretty chill. Do I tell him to watch the kids when they are near the pool? Yea. I would do that because he’d stick his nose in a book. That is technically “controlling,” but come on….
Nicole, thanks for reaching out and sharing your story. I can understand how this would be so frustrating!! Honestly, in reading this, what I’m hearing is not about lack of “validation skills” but a genuine lack of understanding in your perspective. It sounds like you are really struggling to wrap your head around where he might be coming from too. There is a growing chasm: you on one side, he on the other, and both of you (apparently) feeling misunderstood and disregarded to the point of being victimized by the other.
Negative communication cycles, which I’m sure you’re talking about with your marriage counselor, are often part of the problem here. When people are getting aggressive in efforts to have their perspective heard, or shutting down and refusing to talk / listen, it’s basically impossible to have the kinds of authentic and vulnerable conversations that generate understanding. (Exhibit A: While it’s absolutely true that abusive relationships are real and need to be called out, it’s also true that labeling someone as “abusive” or “narcissistic” is a very effective way of shutting down communication and essentially refusing to hear anything they have to say.) I don’t know what’s happening in your situation, maybe you are abusive and communicate in emotionally unsafe ways — please do dig into this with your therapist, and make communication priority #1.
Because without communication you can’t have understanding, and understanding / empathy / respect for the other person’s point of view is the key ingredient of emotional validation.
SO: This is a pretty dire situation and is not going to be fixed with “tips” or “strategies” from a blog or podcast. This is going to require some serious self reflection and personal growth work on both sides, and repairing this will be a process measured in months, at least. Here is a “communication that connects” collection I made for you to support your growth, but please do not substitute this for working intensively with a good counselor. Blogs and podcasts are passive, they’re information. They will not help you crack into your blindspots, hold you accountable, make you consider tough questions, or actively challenge you to grow: A good counselor will.
I am very glad to know that you are working with a counselor. I will ask (in the spirit of big-sisterly advice) is the therapist you are seeing a marriage counselor? An actual licensed marriage and family therapist? I am asking this because most people have no idea that the vast majority of therapists offering couples counseling are NOT, and it has a huge difference in outcomes. Truly. Please read this article I put together for you, “How to Find a (Good) Marriage Counselor” and think about whether or not the therapist you’re entrusting to save your marriage is the right person to be attempting this work with. Additionally, please read “Evidence Based Practice” to learn more about the core ingredients of effective growth work, and make sure you’re getting it.
Many couples in this dynamic have one shot at turning things around, and who you work with really matters a lot in terms of outcomes. You have kids, there’s a lot on the line, so please invest in the best help possible. I hope that the info I shared with you helps you make informed decisions, and find your way back together again.
Wishing you both all the best,
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Thank you for this podcast, it made me feel less hurt hearing it. I’m (we are) so used to keeping my feelings about relationship inside myself or within my relationship (not sharing with friends or family) that you start to confuse reality. For me, my partner and I work together so we are literally always together. We’ve been together 12+ years, and the first part worked with me taking control on a lot of things. Over time due to relocation my partner wants to set new roots and I became comfortable with work and hobbies that I didn’t need those roots as much. We constantly invalidate each others feelings and it causes shouting matches. I try to be more aware of this and not do that and now it seems that my partner is the one shouting, but my facial expressions are not positive and my partner knows my facial expressions too well and then we can never have productive conversations, usually we talk until we tire and then that pushes it under the rug until next time. It’s a battle and I think you are right that we need to spend time with our emotions and not try to distract away from them, maybe in doing that we can learn more about ourselves.
Thanks for listening, Mike. It sounds like you are stuck in a really difficult communication cycle. I hope that practicing emotional validation is helpful for you. Here are a couple of other podcasts that might speak to you: walking on eggshells
Enmeshed Relationships
Best of luck to you Mike, xoxo Dr. Lisa
Thank you for this. I have a question about how to approach my partner when she says her feelings are valid, but her accusations are not. I find that I have no right of reply – she can accuse me anything (including cheating) but if I deny it, then I’m also invalidating her feelings. That’s an extreme example but it has happened.
More common ones are that she doesn’t like how I’ve decorated my house, so if don’t do it the way she wants then I’m not validating her feelings. If I don’t clean “the way she wants” (I am clean, but I also am not bothered by things being left in the dishwasher for two days in my own home) and I suggest that I’m not doing anything wrong, then I’m invalidating her feelings. If guess I feel like it’s only her feelings that need to be validated. I’m actually a little bit worried that it’s a control tactic. But it doesn’t matter what I’m responding to, she makes me feel like the bad person when I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to have my own opinions and ideas about my own life as well!
I hope you can see through me seeming defensive. Something just feels off – I’m usually accused of invalidating her feelings when it’s actually none of her business. We don’t live together and because of this probably never will (my choice now as much as hers.)